Ch. 29

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When I awoke I felt a different aura from the people around me. It was a depressed and sad aura. I noticed my fingertips were paler and slightly transparent. That is NOT a good sign. At all. I looked around and noticed I wasn't on any planet that I knew of. I wandered through the crowds of grey figures. I accidentally bumped into a grey figure shorter then me. I looked down "ii-ii'm 2or- kk?" I knew it couldn't be him. He looked up at me and I saw pure white eyes stare into mine. "S-Sollux?" I quickly picked him up into an embrace. "Kk ii've mii22ed you 2o much!" Karkat just nuzzled into my chest. 'Awww hes so damn cute!' I thought, looking down at him. "How did you get here?" Karkat looked up at me. "ii wa2 readiing a human book and went unconciiou2 and when ii woke up ii wa2 here." I shrugged "where ii2 here anyway?" He shook his head "I don't honestly know."
Okay. here you go. People you better be happy. I am an overly polite Canadian so yes I say sorry alot. L8r

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