Ch. 25

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"K-Kanaya?" Karkat's voice echoed throughout the dank cell. There were light footsteps on the frigid cracked stone floor. "P-please Do Not Hurt Me Again!" A ragged and raspy voice screamed back "Kanaya its me! Karkat! and Sollux!" Karkat and Sollux glanced at eachother nervously. Slowly, a thin figure came towards the entrance out of the sheet of pure darkness. Kanaya's skin wasn't the pure glowing white it used to be, now she was scraped bloody and dirty. Her clothes had been tattered and her hair is tangled and out of place. Sollux and Karkat gasped at their friend. "We Must Leave. Now." Kanaya stated flatly grimacing. The two matesprits nodded in agreement. After they finally made it out of the castle they let out breaths they didn't realize they had been holding. "For Once I Am Not Very Fond Of The Sun." Kanaya joked. The three let out a chuckle. "Heh, Yeah I guess not eh? after being in that dank cell the light must bur-" Karkat was cut off. Sollux gasped. "Oh my gog!"
Comment what you think happens :3 hopy shit I'm sorry. You will find out why later but I am so fucking sorry.

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