Ch. 26

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Sollux gasped "Oh my gog!" Karkat had been impaled through the back three times. "S-Sollux... I love you..." A single carmine tinted tear rolled down Karkat's face as his eyes became lifeless and empty. They were full of despair and hope of what could've happened. Sollux fell to his knees mustard tears soaking his cheeks. Kanaya stood frozen and stiff panting heavily. "N-not Again! First Rose, Then Skye! Now Karkat!? I Can't Live Like this Anymore!" Sollux turned to look at Kanaya "Yeah well he wa2 my mate2priit! ii have only had one fuckiing rea2on why ii am 2tiill aliive! and iit wa2 karkat! now he2 fuckiing gone! ii have no rea2on two liive and am planniing on takiing the next triip out of here!" Karkat was watching over his friends and what he saw crushed him. He wanted to hug Kanaya and tell her he was fine and wanted to kiss Sollux comforting him. But he had no more chances. He was dead. For good. No dream bubbles anymore. Just watching over his two friends who were still alive. "Sollux please... You have to stay alive... For me..." Karkat whispered tears pooled in his pure white dead eyes. He found that he can walk between the afterlife and the living reality but he chooses to spend most of his time wandering around Earth. He has found many spirits though none of them belong to his friends. One day he was following Sollux around wishing they could make physical contact but he knew it was impossible. That day he followed Sollux to an cliff where he sat dangerously close to the edge. "S-Sollux?" He knew he wouldn't be heard but he spoke softly and subconciously. Sollux quickly took a quick look around, closed his eyes and jumped off the dirt and rock cliff.
Should I end it? Will I end it? I feel like the filler stuff I'm putting in is pretty boring so I just think that maybe I should end it. But I will have two endings!

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