Chapter Seven

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I walk up to Ella and I'm not quite sure why I even called out to her. What am I exactly going to say?

"Well Hello Charming." She smirks. "Usually I'm the one to strike up a conversation with you first. What brings you to my lovely presence."

"I-I umm. About lunch.." I trail off.

"Yeah what about it?" She reaches into her jacket pocket and pulls out a packet of cigarettes and lights one up. I crinkles my nose at the disgusting smell.

"Eleanor shouldn't have said what she said. I mean. I-it was very r-rude and."

"Charming don't worry about it. I don't let shit like that get to me. She can spread her nasty little rumors and whatever because I know it's not true and that's all the matter." She takes a drag of her cigarette and blows the air out. "So Thomas gave you that?" She points to my black eye.

"Uh yeah." I look down to the ground.

"Nice. When?"

"You seriously don't remember do you?"

"No." She looks at her hand and checks her chipped nail police.

"It was at the party. You know the one on Friday the party where you passed out from taking to much drugs." She arches her eyebrow and looks baffles.

"Wait you know about that?"

"Uh yeah. You almost passed out in my arms and your friend or boyfriend whatever his name i-"

"Zayn?" She furrows her eyebrows together and scoffs. "He's not my boyfriend and I don't even think I consider him my friend either." She takes another hit of her cigarette.

"Yeah that guy. I know it's not my place or my business but maybe you shouldn't be doing drugs." She busts out laughing and hard.

"Yeah your right." She smiles playfully. "It's not your place or your business what I do okay. You seem nice but stay out of my business." She doesn't look happy about what I said.

"Louis." I turn around and Eleanor is walking towards us. I glance back at Ella but she is already walking away.

Ella's Pov

I walk down to where Zayn usually picks me up. I glance down both the streets but he's nowhere to be seen. I turn around and see that Eleanor has her arm interlocked with Charming's. What a little two faced whore, I can't believe I was once friends with her.

"Why are you staring at them?" I turn around and Zayn has finally arrived.

"Finally you ass wipe. Your late." I tell him. He hands me his extra motorcycle helmet and I strap it on.

"What has your knickers in a twist?" He mocks.

"Just drive." I tell him as I take my seat behind him and wrap my arms around him so I won't fall off. He revs the engine and quickly drives off. He drives on the familiar streets to his house. I go to Zayn's house basically everyday, it's almost like I actually live there. He parks his motorcycle in his driveway and I get off. His house is the center for parties that's where Fridays party was held. I hand him his helmet back and start the short walk to the front door.

I patiently wait for his slow ass to open the door. "Come on Zayn hurry up."

"Chill." He swiftly unlocks the front door and lets me in. I walk to the living room and sit on his oh so comfy couch. I prop my legs on top of the glass coffee table he has. I get the clicker and I turn on the telly. He comes and sits next to me and sighs.

"What?" I turn to him.

"Your boots they are all muddy and you just dirtied my table." He lets out another frustrated sigh.

Prince Charming // L.T (On Hold)Where stories live. Discover now