Chapter Nine

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I get to school and it's the same old same old. The only difference today is that my eye doesn't seem so bad and the bruise is lightly fading. And it does hurt a lot less, so that's a plus.

I decide to put some of my books in my locker instead of carrying them around. I open it up and stuff my biology and French textbook in. I glass at the flyer taped onto the wall next to my locker. It reads; Soccer Tryouts this Friday after school. I ponder about it. Maybe I should join, I mean I do love football.

"Hi there Louis." I turn to see Thomas starring at me with a mischievous grin and a evil glint in his eyes.

"H-hi." I continue placing my things into my locker. Thomas leans against the lockers with his arms crossed. "Remember when I said we have unfinished business?" I nod my head. I'm not sure what he's up too.  Suddenly he slams my hand with the locker door and I cry out in pain. "This is just the beginning. It's a good thing I didn't go to that stupid dinner last night." He says as he's walking away.

I look at my hand and it's slightly bleeding. It hurts to move it and I surely hope it's not broken. I wince when I try to move. You got to be kidding me. This is totally unfair. I have to go to the nurses office and I'll have to miss maths. Well that isn't to bad now is it.

I grab my book bag with my good hand and walk towards the nurses office.


"Well it's not broken. I'll just clean it and wrap it up for you." The nurse says to me. She's overly cheery and dressed in pink scrubs. She comes back and places some cotton swabs and some disinfectant onto a tray. "Okay this might sting a little." She dabs the cotton swabs onto my hand and I suck in air. "Almost done." She wraps my hand up and smiles up at me. "So how did this happen?"

"J-just a l-locker accident." I get up from the bed which makes that crinkling sound thanks to that plastic.

"Hmm." She says and something tells me she doesn't beleive me. "Just clean the wound and change the bandage when you get home."  I nod and quickly grab my book bag and leave the nurses office. I should of probably thanked her but I didn't need for her to keep asking questions. I'm sure saying that Thomas did this to me would only get me into bigger trouble with him.

I sluggishly walk back to my maths class. There's only like fifteen minutes left, there's no use of going is there? I walk past the class and decide to just wait outside my next class.


Lunch time comes around and I'm considering joining my sister and getting something to eat. I walk down hallway and push open the doors. I wait in line behind some girls that are just chatting it up and keeping the line. I wait patiently and I grab a tray and grab a burrito and a water bottle. I pay for my food and scan the tables to see where my sister could be.

"Look who we have here." It's Thomas with his group of friends. "Is someone lost?" He mocks. I start walking away but not before he slams my tray onto the floor. "See ya around loser." He says and his friends laugh. I bend down to pick up the tray and food and I notice a pair of black chucks standing in front of my tray.

I look up and it's Ella. She has her arms crossed and she looks a bit annoyed. "Charming." She states rather than saying hi. Something tells me she's not very happy right now. I stand up and grab my tray from the floor.

"H-hi." I shyly say. I walk over to the trash bin and throw away my burrito but I keep my water bottle. Her eyes look over to my bandaged hand and she arches her eyebrow.

"What happened?" Her tone has drastically changed from annoyed to actual concern.

"N-nothing. Just an accident." I tell her I try to open my water bottle but I can't grasp it. Ella sighs and rolls her eyes, she snatches my water bottle and opens it up. "Thanks." I mumble. I take a sip and she closes it up and hands it back to me. I look at her and I notice her black eye is just a faint color of purple. It seems to be fading away. "Your eye seems better." I tell her and she gives me a small smile.

"Yeah." She says quietly. "We need to talk."

"About what?" I ask her. She grabs a hold of my wrist we both walk out to the hallway away from the cafeteria. I notice a few people starring after us as we leave. Why do they always do that?

"You've talked to Zayn." She states matter-of-fact and I nod my head. She drops my hand and continues to talk. "He said you starting asking questions about me at the party." She crosses her arms and looks a bit mad.

"I-I was w-worried. I-I never seen a person pass out from taking drugs a-and-"

"Don't worry about me don't go asking questions as to why I do drugs. It's none of your business and it doesn't concern you!" She jabs her finger to my chest.

"I-I didn't mean any harm Ella. I swear."

She scoffs and rolls her eyes. "Just stop asking questions about me. I hate it, just don't go snooping around. Her green eyes turn a dark shade of green and she looks utterly pissed.

"Ella your a smart girl you shouldn't be doing those kind of things. You got a perfect score on that maths test and you only went to class like one time. You shouldn't be killing your brain cells like that." I try to reason with her but it only makes her more angry. Her jaw clenches and I can tell she's desperately trying to control herself.

"How do you know about that?" She says through clenched teeth.

"I had to grade your test. You got a perfect scor-"

"You listen to me Charming and listen closely. Don't go telling anyone about that understood?" I nod my head. Gosh she is seriously scary and intimidating even though I'm beyond taller than her.

"Ella." We glance to see where the voice is comes from and it's the principal. I hear Ella groan and sigh.

"What?" She seethes. My eyes widen at her tone towards the principal. She surely doesn't care at all. The principal pushes his glasses up onto the bridge of his nose.

"Ella I've been worried about you."

"Yeah right." She replies very harshly to him. "Like you actually give a crap." Is she seriously talking to the principal that way? She is defiantly going to be into trouble. They both seem oblivious to the fact that I'm still standing here.

"Ella language please."

"I. Don't. Give. A. Fuck" She says to him. I stand there with my mouth hanging open and totally surprised that she would say something like that. I think this is the time I should start walking away. 

"Ella damn it. Just stop I need to talk to you." I hear him say as I walk away.

"No dad. Not right now." I hear Ella say and I immediately stop in my tracks. Did she just say dad? Her dad is the principal? Oh the irony. The trouble maker girl is the daughter of the principal. I turn around to look at them but Ella is already walking away. I see Mr. Hart running his fingers through his hair. He is obviously frustrated.

I turn around and Eleanor is standing in front of me and I slightly jump. God it's like she practically appeared out of nowhere. "Hi Louis." She beams and bats her eyelashes. She is way to close for my liking.

"U-u h-hi." I say to her and turn around to look back to the direction where Ella was headed but she's long gone.

"I'm sorry my brother did this." She grabs a hold of my hand and I wince a little. "And for him slamming down your tray of food." I pull away from her grasp.

"You h-have nothing to a-pologize for." I tell her. Her brother is the one that caused the damage not her. So I don't undserstand why she's even apologizing.

"I know. I got to go." She says as she starts walking away. "But how bout I make it up to you. We can go out for lunch this weekend. Alright. I'll ask Lottie for your number." She says and leaves and doesn't even give me the chance to accept or decline.

I'm left baffled. Today has just been a weird day and I honestly can't wait to just get home. Just a few more hours and I'll be home. I let out a sigh and walk to my next class.

A/N drop some comments and don't forget to vote (:

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