Chapter Seventeen

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Every time I hear a noise I glance up to see if Ella has entered maths class. The class session is almost over and she has yet to show up. I already sent her a text this morning letting her know that I got her jacket but she didn't reply back. So now I'm stuck carrying it around for who knows how long, maybe she won't even show up at all today.

Typical Ella if you ask me.

Once the bell rings I just get up and walk to my next class. Hopefully I see her around today so I don't have to keep carrying her jacket all around. I walk past the other students who are pushing and shoving trying to get past each other. I hate the crowded hallways of this school and well I hate school in general.

"Louis." I glance around to see who has called out my name. I spot Eleanor as she walks towards me and of course she's with my sister.

"Uh I-I hey." I give her a small smile.

She loops her arm into mine and she leans her head against my arm as we walk down the hall. "I missed you at the party." She says. Why is she clinging to me? "It was loads of fun, you should of came." She giggles and squeezes my arm. Yeah i should of gone then maybe your stupid brother wouldn't of hurt my sister. "Why didn't you come?" She questions.i haven't even answered any of her questions yet but she still keeps talking. "You should come sit with us at lunch."

"Uh y-yeah okay." I shift the jacket to my other hand and that's when I feel Eleanor tense up a bit. I'm guessing she has recognized the jacket.

"Why do you have that jacket?" She pulls away from me and points to the jacket.

"I-I um I-iI"m just returning it." I tell her my gaze is mostly focusing upfront and that's when I spot her. And for some reason I begin to smile. Ella has her brown wavy hair swept to the right side of her neck. She's wearing dark blue ripped skinny jeans and her black boots and she's wearing a thin white t-shirt. She begins to make her way towards us and I feel Eleanor latch on to my arm again.

"Hi Ella." I greet her but she doesn't greet me. She just glares at Eleanor and I. She then snatches her jacket out of my grasp and puts it on.

"What are you guys together now?" She glances between us and I quickly step away from Eleanor.

"N-no we're not." I notice various red marks on Ella's neck and they don't seem to look like love bites. They seem like burns.. I involuntarily move her hair aside and I gasp. "Ella what happened?" These are definitely burn marks. She glares at me and swats my hand away.

"Nothing." The final bell rings and the hallway is empty.

"Shoot we're late." Eleanor says. "I'll see you later." I don't acknowledge her. My only concern right now is Ella. I can hear Lottie and Eleanor's footsteps as they walk away.


"Charming." She mocks.

"Ella seriously tell me what happened." I try to reach out to see the burns again but she dodges it and moves out of the way. She grabs her hair and places it over the marks. "Ella."

"It's nothing. I just got into a fight with some girl." She says and rolls her eyes. She begins to walk away but not before I grab a hold of her arm and I stop her from leaving. She glances down at her arm and looks up at me.

"What did you guys use fire to fight one another?" Her eyes go from looking into mine to looking at the floor. "Ella."

"Just stop." She jerks out of my grasp. "Just stop." She breathes out but I notice how her voice breaks. She turns and she quickly walks away, leaving me to stand alone in an empty hallway.


Lunch comes around and I sit down at an empty table with my tray of food in front of me. I pick at the bread of my cheese burger. I don't have much of an appetite since I've been thinking about Ella. She always has bruises and marks on her and it worries me.

What the hell is going on with her that she always is getting hurt. Who are all these girls that she's always getting into so called fights with. Can a girl be hated that much that she's always getting into fights or is it that Ella just has a bad temper.

Ella does instigate people but I don't think it's enough to start a fight. Well she does know how to get under people's skin and she knows what exactly to say to have people fuming mad. I've seen this happen before my very own eyes before but..

"Stop mutilating that poor hamburger bun." Ella pulls out a chair and takes a seat next to me.

"Why won't you tell me?" I don't look at her and I keep picking off the sesame seeds. Ella grabs the hamburger and takes a bite out of it.

"You know the cheese burger first became popular between the late 1920s and the mid 1930s. And there's several claims on who was the first person to invent it." She says after she finishes chewing her, well my cheeseburger.

I give her an old look and she just takes another bite out of the cheeseburger."Uh how is that relevant to what I asked you?"

Two more chairs are pulled out of the the left side of me and I glance up to see that Eleanor has sat next to me and Lottie has taken a seat next to her. "It's not but it is a fun factoid. Like did you know that the psychedelic drug; lysergic acid diethylamide." She says and I give her a confused look and she gives me a look like I should know what the hell she's talking about. "LSD." She rolls her eyes.

"Louis I hear you have a football match this Saturday." I hear Eleanor interject.

"U-uh y-yeah I do." I nod my head and look back to Ella who begins to talk again.

"It was first synthesized on November 16, 1938 by this Swiss chemist Albert Hofmann. But it wasn't until five years later on April 19, 1943 that the psychedelic properties we're found." Ella has stopped eating and is just staring at the cheeseburger. "The main intention was to use the synthesis to obtain a respiratory and circulatory stimulant.When Hoffman went back to re-synthesize LSD, he accidentally absorbed a small amount of the drug through his fingertips. That's when he discovered the powerful effects of LSD."

"And on April 19 1943, Hofmann performed a self-induced experiment to fully understand the true effects of LSD.Less than an hour later he experienced sudden and intense changes in his perception. Hofmann discovered the effects of LSD by accident and was the first to person in history to have a LSD trip."

"And you're telling me this why?" I question her. She turns her gaze away from the cheeseburger and points at it.

"It has eyes and it's staring at me." She says in a whisper. I begin to laugh and now I understand why she was telling me that whole story about LSD. Ella stares at me wide eyed like if I'm crazy.

"Of course she's high." Eleanor says in a  exasperated tone. She makes it seem like it's some sort of suprise. Even though I don't agree with Ella using drugs she's pretty funny when she's high. And I'm sure if I tell her to stop using she'll snap at me like she did last time and that was not fun at all.

"You have a third eye on your forehead." Ella says and pokes my forehead. "Did that hurt?"

"Yeah maybe we should get you out of here." I chuckle. I begin to stand up and Ella stands up as well.

"Your leaving?" I turn to look at Eleanor who has a slight pout on her face. "You should just leave her, she's not worth your time."

I hear Ella let out a deep sigh. Being around these two girls gives me whiplash and I don't even know how I usually get myself into these situations. "Just sit and stay Louis and let's chat." Eleanor bats her eyelashes and I actually was expecting Ella to say this snide remark but when she doesn't and I turn to look at her I realize she's not standing next to me.

Where did she go?

"Stay, sit." Eleanor pats the chair that I was sitting in. Maybe I should go after her. I mean she's on LSD for gods sake. Who knows what could happen and who knows where exactly where she would went. I'm not going to walk these school halls aimlessly looking for her and me just standing here contemplating whether or not to go after her and well I'm sure she's long gone by now. So I just sit back in my chair and listen to whatever story Eleanor is telling.

A/N omfg I almost deleted this whole chapter by accident and I almost had a heart attack o: lol

anyway I know this chapter was kind of boring and it was supposed to be way longer but I decided to make it into two parts and the next chapter will be posted up tomorrow :D

Bye Loves, don't forget to comment and vote (:

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