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Afaaf Khan

Zaryaab Alam Khan

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Zaryaab Alam Khan

" What ?" I asked for the second time

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" What ?" I asked for the second time.

" Well, that wasn't so hard to understand. But for your majesty I shall repeat." Her eyes glared at me sharply. The dark night looked down at us and her pause was filled with noise of the crickets in the background.

" I said: from now onwards, we part our ways. You go your way and I go my way." She said turning to look at the forest behind her, emphasizing on her way.

I smirked as I leaned against the dirty old broken bench. The wood rubbing against the rough of my jeans.

" Sure. As you wish." I said shrugging my shoulders. Crossing my hands against my chest , I eyed her expressions. Seeing the visible relief wash over her.

Stupid girl, I thought.

 " Okay then. Bye." She said turning on her heels.

I watched her as she walked in the direction of the forest. The haunting tall trees greeting her in their darkness. She took slow steps, probably the darkness of the night made her do so. Her long dupatta clutched in her fingers.

When she was out of sight. I looked around the old abondoned street. The wind screaming of the midnight. The lamp on the post was even flickering now. I sighed loudly. Silently counting in my heart. A good three minutes had passed before I heard the rustling of dried leaves being crunched under feet.

I laughed seeing the angel run towards me. Dressed in all white, she truly looked like an angel in the dark night among the shadows of tall trees.

" Zaryaab!" She screamed my name loudly.

" Zaryaab!" I laughed harder seeing the panic on her face but her next actions stumbled me.

Like two atoms bonding together, 

She clashed with me. Colliding hard with my chest.

Her arms wrapping around my torso, had my laughter dying. Fright had shaken her. And so I did the only thing that felt right.

I engulfed her in my arms. 

Afaaf's one decision for her own life leaves her stranded. One decision leads her to unknown feelings and emotions. One decision leads her to thousand more until she is ready to accept the reality and discover the world, she had never heard of before.

Secrets are revealed, hearts are  broken and blossomed, trust is shaken, deceit is unmasked along her adventurous journey with a man with green eyes.

And it all begins from the most unexpected place,

A railway station.

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