Chapter 8

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If looks could kill someone, then I would have long been buried

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If looks could kill someone, then I would have long been buried. The stormy green eyes darted fire at me as the man practically marched towards me.

My palms sweated. But the oblivious woman taking my measurements remained too busy to notice the shivers in my body.

" You little brat-" He started and I closed my eyes but it seemed like fate was on my side as Chaudhry Sahib stepped before Zaryaab and placed a hand on his shoulder.

" Oh son, I was looking around for you. Can you please give me a moment." And just like that he was pulled by the older man away.

I breathed out a sigh of relief.

After my measurements, I rushed upstairs to the room I shared with Khirad. Khirad was no where to be seen and from what I had heard, she was getting ready for the function tonight.

One of bride's cousin had told me that it was a meet and greet function where the bride's wedding dress would be brought with gifts and whatnot. And pleasantries would be exchanged, the new visiting guests would meet.

I was already very nervous of so many people in the house and now thinking about the coming function, I was anxious. Not attending was not even a choice.

In hopes of finding Khirad, I walked down the stairs with careful steps and alert eyes. Conscious to not get in Zaryaab's way. No wonder he could have killed me with his glaring eyes. I was lucky that Chaudhry sahib had came to my rescue unintentionally.

" Bhabi, Bhabi --" I heard chotu's voice. Turning around I found the boy run to me down the hallway.

" come, I'll take you on a visit to the Chaudhry fields." He said.

My eyebrows drew closer.

" What would I do there?" I asked confused.

The boy shook his head as a small smile formed on his face.

" Once you reach there bhabi, you'll know what to do." The hint of mischief in his voice had me narrowing my eyes at him in a playful manner.

" Okay, let me ask aunty first." I stepped towards the hall as chotu fell in steps with me.

" I've already asked her for you." The boy said and I nodded.

" okay, then let's go."

The boy lead me to the large gates as I pulled the long veil over my head. A black car was already parked outside the gates as Chotu went to sit with the driver. The smile on my face died as I saw the figure standing by the car. Hand on his waist he smoked with his back to me. My steps that had already faltered now we're glued to the ground as I contemplated whether to go on or run back to the haveli. Hiding behind the large gates I saw chotu give me a confused look from the rolled down car window.

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