Chapter 1

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Zaryaab Alam Khan

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Zaryaab Alam Khan

My heart thudded loudly against my ribcage. Trying to match the slapping of harsh rain that poured on the earth.

Leaves crunched under my feet as I made my way in the dark night. The muddy ground made it harder to run. I turned my face to the side, to see the men still chasing behind. Their torches flashing. Their shadows falling on the tall trees. 

With heavy breaths, I slowed down. Leaning over to the tree, I tried to catch my breath. Everywhere I looked trees stared at me. The rough pathway seemed to lead to an unknown never ending place. And the rain was cherry on top. 

Standing alert, I felt someone close to me, before the whispering began. Clenching my teeth, I stayed put. 

" You two, look in that direction." Someone spoke, their heavy voice echoing in the small forest.

My leather jacket drenched in the rain, the fabric turning cold. I casted a glance backward, before taking slow steps. Careful not to get caught. A few minutes passed and the voices had stopped. Their heavy footsteps couldn't be heard anymore. Taking up the pace, I made my way on the rough stoney pathway. And relief washed over me as I saw a light flickering at a distant. 

"Oh shit!" I blurted as my foot slipped and I stumbled. 

"He's still here." I heard a shout making me curse under my breath and run for my life.

The glowing light was closer now as I ran on the one-way railway track. The old brick building came into my line of view, making me run towards it. The building looked abandoned as I stepped on the platform. The roof above, shading me from the rain. With a dry throat, I looked around. 


I heard men rustling from the forest behind and I jogged for the other end. But something stopped me abruptly in my tracks. Turning to the sobbing voice, I stilled.

Run Zaryaab!! Run!!

I should have ran, but I couldn't move my feet at the sight before me. Leaning against the worn out walls sat a woman. Dressed in red, she had her cream veil mopping the rain besides her, with the light bulb above her. She had her knees folded before her and her head atop them. As she hugged herself, sobbing. A brown bag remained besides her.

I glanced at the forest, seeing the flashes go through. And then back at the woman. Who sat utterly unaware of her surrounding in the middle of almost nowhere.

Suddenly, a gunshot went off in the forest. And I smirked. Finally they were using their guns. Sobs brought me back to the situation at hand and I took careful steps towards the crying woman.

" Shhss." Placing my hand on her shoulder , I gently shook her. She looked up. Knocking the breath out of me. Making me take a step back.

" Ronaq-" I whispered unbelievingly.

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