Chapter 9

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Afaaf Zaryaab Khan

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Afaaf Zaryaab Khan


Anybody could find it in a crowd of strangers. Body and blood didn't matter, but the strong bondage to keep everyone together mattered. The words of togetherness and respect mattered. Family could be anyone that one allowed to feel comfortable and homey with.


A bond, I had been deprived of. Having parents didn't fill the gaps that I now felt deep in my bones. I was thankful for what I had been blessed with but it hurt to see that I was held back from feeling so much.

Family; I had found it here, in Chaudhry Sahib's Haveli.

Six days passed against the tunes of wind and I found myself mixing with the Chaudhry family so well. Their language or style didn't become an obstacle and now it almost felt natural to know how each and everyone of them spoke.

Chaudhry Sahib and his wife treated me as their own blood and Khirad had become my sister. And I was used to drink lassi in the morning and taking one glass for my husband as well. Without spilling it over him.

I was used to chotu's humour and cheeky smiles and grins. Brother Rohaan's jokes and Jameela Aunty's snarky remarks.

And most unexpectedly Zaryaab and I had become what most people would call friends. Sitting and talking in the garden that become our thing. And most often I found myself staring at him. Observing him.

He wasn't bad and maybe I had judged wrong. He was different. Everyone practically loved him. He was adorable at times. And I had become comfortable with him. We talked but we never talked about ourselves. We talked about very little , tiny and giant thing but never about us. It just felt too personal.

These days I had missed amma and Shaya badly but sometimes when the dark sky would envelope all of the land and the stars would even go away after staring at the sleeping people, I would think if I would live here for the rest of my life.

It looked too painfully peaceful. Everything here; in this haveli was so worry less. I had even forgotten that we were still in danger. If only this once beauty would last and I could stay here for the little life I had to live.

" Amaaa--" I heard Khirad's loud cry from upstairs breaking my chain of thoughts.

Allah Khair, I whispered before keeping the plates on the nearby table and rushing to the stairs. Once across the hallway I saw aunty rushing in her room with the bride's cousins.

Khirad's soft cries could be heard on the whole floor and curious glances turn towards the room door. With a thudding heart I walked across the threshold seeing her sit before the large mirror. A gasp left my parted lips seeing her large eyes dozed it thick black eye shadow making them look as they someone had punched her face.

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