Chapter 14

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Afaaf Zaryaab Khan

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Afaaf Zaryaab Khan

I was getting agitated.

I felt like a prisoner. Being locked in from one place to another. And from last night's events I knew the man wasn't letting me out anytime soon.

I looked down at my red palms. My hands were hurting from banging the door since early morning. But I had failed to get any attention as my cries of desperation got plainly ignored. Sitting up from my position against the white door, I walked towards the very comfortable bed and slumped down. My body rolling as I laid on my back now.

Everything was white here. The walls, the doors , the curtains and damn that beautiful closet. The flooring was pure dark wood. And from the photoframes hanging on the walls it was very much clear that the room belonged to Zaryaab Alam Khan.

The furniture was dark expensive wood engraved into beautiful design and craft. A plush white rug lay under the table before the bed and a mini living room dividing the bedroom. Everything was simple yet it spoke of aura and intimidation.

The intricate lamps on the bedside table and the white and pastel blue tapestry on the wall opposite the window were impressively beautiful. They were designed in tradition and cultural of Swat.

Ruler of Swat.

I scoffed internally. Rolling my eyes dramatically. Poor people of the beautiful city wouldn't be even able to say anything in fear of the man. They must be very terrified of him that is why they hadn't taken any action against him till now.

Tsk tsk

I stood up again with a new found energy and marched towards the bedroom door. Till now I had been trying from the white door, I had come in or dragged in but now I was going to make my point clear.

Pressing my ear against the door, I heard nothing on the other end. And then I knocked loudly.

" Open the door please."

" Anyone please help."

" Please open the door. I beg you please." I cried hopelessly.

Just when I thought defeat was kissing me I heard juggling of keys and hurried footsteps. I knocked lightly as I felt someone on the other side. The key met the lock and the handle twisted before it was opened.

The first thing I heard was a loud gasp.

The first thing I saw were two hazel cold eyes staring at me.

I gulped nervously seeing two unknown women stand before me staring at me like an alien. I tugged a thick lock of my hair behind my ear awkwardly before lowering my eyes and looking up to them again.

" Taso sok ye?"

(Who are you?)

The short older woman asked as her hazel eyes scrutinized me, up and down, up and down. I look confused at her as I shook my head.

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