Chap 5: be careful

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Jimin stood by the small mirror, fixing the deep blue tie which was secure around his neck. His hands were slightly clammy, sweaty with nerves. Today was his first day at his new school and to say he was nervous was an understatement. He's never been good at first impressions, always finding a way to fuck it up. At least his brother and him would be attending the same school, though that brought him little comfort. Knowing his brother he would embarrass him any chance he could, that's what he was good at.

"Aww look at my baby, you look very elegant Jimin, so fancy." His mother giggles through the mirror, Jimin groans as he kept toying with the tie.

"Mum! I hate this stupid tie! Who wears ties to school? It's not like I'm a rich kid." Wining he turns around, growing more frustrated with the small piece of material.

"Honey come here, you're like a girl on her period. It's going to be fine, you're one good looking boy, whose not going to like you." She shakes her head, helping with the tie he's ready to tear to shreds.

Jimin huffs, sticking his lips out into a small pout, mumbling under his breath 'I'm not on my period.'

"Mum! I hate this stupid tie! I hate it! I'm not wearing it, I'm not a nerd." Caleb comes stomping down the stairs, in the same bratty mood.

"What's it with you two and ties? It's not rocket since, it's a simple lope." She sighs at her two dramatic boys, always finding the drama in every little thing.

Once she's done with Jimin she moves onto Caleb's while Jimin checks himself out. Making sure his hair was nice and gelled, his white blazer shirt tucked lazily into his trousers. His nipple rings could be made out slightly through the fabric, to which he liked. Wanted everyone to know he had them, that he wasn't afraid to stand out.

"I don't see why we even need to go to school? We just got here can't we relax for a bit before we have to be tortured with school." Caleb complains, he was always a grouch in the morning.

"Because you've already had a month off, remember we did a bit of travelling before getting here. So don't give me this we need time to relax because you've had plenty." She pops his nose, whispering nice try before heading into the kitchen to fetch their lunches.

Jimin goes to sit at the dinning table, his cereal already laid out for him. Caleb gives Sugar some attention before doing the same.

"So, when's your date with the sexy neighbour? I bet you've had a few wet dreams about him." Caleb snickers with a mouth full of milk and cornflakes.

Jimin doesn't reply, giving him the finger as his answer. His family knew of the offer Jungkook gave him about learning Korean. His mother of course loved the idea, thought it was about time he learnt more about where he came from. Even Caleb asked if he could join to which Jimin told him to fuck off because this was his thing. And he'd only embarrass him more than he already had.

Though Jimin hasn't stopped thinking about, it keeping him up at night. Jungkook said he could start teaching him next week as he was rather busy this one. Jimin agreed rather quickly, blurting out 'I've never had a teacher as hot as you before.' Obviously the embarrassment came immediately after, running into the house before his body caught on fire from how red he was.

He hasn't been caught staring though so that was a plus in his book. But doesn't mean he hasn't stopped. Every so often he catches a glimpse of Jungkook just as he's getting changed or undressing. Of course those images were being locked in his memory forever.

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