Chap 39: what I'd do

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Not edited🙃

The weekend didn't seem long enough, barely anytime to savour the sweet decor of spending lazy evenings with his sexy older boyfriend. Jimin wanted to milk his time for all he could get. Take the chance to have Jungkook all to himself with no one around. It was a rare opportunity, they never were given the chance to spend quality time together like this.

Even though Jimin may or may not be hungover it was still nice. Just laying weightlessly on Jungkook's wide, muscular chest, blissfully listening to his heartbeat. It was almost harmonic, the way his heart pounced and danced. A soothing sound he found alluring and calming.

"You know you need to go home some time right baby?" The fondness in his boyfriends voice is melting, his slender fingers raking through Jimin's messy locks.

Jimin grumbles at him, scrunching his expression to one of a pouting baby. His thick thighs were tangled between Jungkook's slender ones, acting like a koala bear in need of comfort. He thrived off the attention Jungkook gave him, it made him delirious and caused his entire body to tingle pleasantly. He couldn't get enough, if he could he'd stay glued to his side for ever and ever.

"Just let me stay a little longer, I'll go home when it starts getting dark." He mumbles softly, to embedded in the loving treatment he's receiving by his older boyfriend.

Jungkook opens his mouth to say something, scold him maybe for being so cheeky but no retaliation comes out. Instead he's tightening his hold around his slender waist as his fingers comb calmly through his hair. He's drawing tender circles in the indentations of Jimin's hipbones where the waistband of his pants sink down. His shorts a few sizes to big due to them being his own, ones Jungkook had stopped fitting a few growth spurts ago. The gym he considered his second home had devoured at his figure size, almost doubling the size of man he once was.

"Okay, but the moment the sun starts fading you have to go home." Of course Jungkook loved having him over, he also knew his mother probably wouldn't like him missing another night at home.

Jimin wants to complain, bark out that he only lives next door but he's shutdown by soft lips delicately being placed on his own. Jungkook's leant down, capturing his enticing lips in his to capture his sweet taste. Jimin doesn't waste a second in returning the tension in the kiss, falling easily into the rhythm as he'll take any chance he can get to touch this man. A horny teenager whose just peeking at his sexual potential is struggling a little with the lack of sexual affection between the two of them. He understands that they're taking things slow, testing the waters but he can't help but have wet dreams about all the disgusting, erotic things they could be doing to each other.

Sometimes his body would convulse or suddenly grow hot at a single thought. Just one simple look at Jungkook had his knees caving under him, a pulsation to happen inside his pants. The fantasies were getting worse, more vivid in detail and more importantly delving more into the kinks he's beginning to realise he had. He could imagine himself being a very open lover, one up for anything and that very much excited him. The unspeakable things Jungkook and him could do would be endless. A road pathed in filth, long and windy with many risky turn offs that could lead anywhere and everywhere.

God how badly he wanted that-no needed that and it all seemed so far from his reach. He really wished something would happen between them other than heated kissing but he was too chicken to do anything and Jungkook wouldn't dare until he deemed him mature enough. As much as it was endearing it was just as annoying. He felt like Jungkook only saw him as a kid whose off limits. To innocent to try anything crass or considered sultry. He wanted Jungkook to find him sexy, see him as someone he could lust after and devour in night of passion. But the moment he tries to take things a step further he's immediately shut down before he could even start.

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