Chap 22: boyfriend

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Jimin woke up in a haze of ecstasy, the sun shone brighter today than it ever has. A delicious grin slithers it's way to his plump lips. He stretched his clicking bones, his eyes immediately wondering to the window where his boyfriend slept.

He giggles at that. Jungkook was his boyfriend. His fucking boyfriend and he couldn't be happier. This euphoria washes over him in a breathtaking wave. If he wasn't careful he might give himself a heart attack from how fast it drummed in his chest. 

He pulls the duvet off his body, hooking his legs off the side to rest on the floor. His fingers run through his hair, feeling the tangles of knots that formed in his sleep. He'd never slept better in his life, the sweet tingle of love swelled so profusely in his heart that it kept him warm all night.

His smile sparkled in a spectacular light, his body practically shaking with delight. He wonders his way to his wardrobe, picking out his school uniform. He couldn't wait to get to school, tell Tae he's actually dating the boy next door. As he tugs on his pants, stretching them over his muscular thighs his phone bings.

In a jolt of excitement he jumps his way to where his phone laid, grabbing it while zipping his trousers up.

Sexy neighbour😉
Morning babe! Hope you slept well♥️
I was wondering if you wanted me to take you to school today? I've got the day off work.

Jimin almost fainted right then and there, Jungkook not only asked to drive him, he called him babe. He couldn't stop rereading the text, it sent his insides bubbling. His head snaps to the window, his breath catches as he saw Jungkook standing there smiling at him still dressed in his sweat pants and jumper.

He waves at Jimin who bites his lip, giving a timid wave back. He sees Jungkook laugh, then glancing down at his phone.

Sexy neighbour😉
You look beautiful this morning love but aren't you cold?

Jimin looks down, skin burning when he once again forgot he wasn't wearing a shirt. In a dash to cover himself he races for his school top, hurrying to put it on. Jungkook watched in fondness as his boyfriend scrambled around trying to make himself decent. Making Jimin flustered would always bring a smile to his lips.

Cute neighbour boy🥺
Morning! I'm a lot warmer now thank you & about the lift I'd love it.

Jungkook looks at the text, snapping back to his window to see Jimin fully clothed and staring.

Sexy neighbour😉
Perfect. See you in ten xx

Jimin giggles all the way down the stairs, continuing to text him. He couldn't be happier, this glorious mist of puppy love had him hypnotised. Sometimes he thought it was all wet dream, something from his deep rotted fantasies.

"What are you so giddy about this morning?" His brother blankly stared at him, sitting at the dinning table with a bowl of cereal.

Jimin barely notices him as he took his seat, still locked into his phone waiting for Jungkook's delicious reply.

"I'm talking to my boyfriend." Jimin didn't remove his gaze from his phone but he could imagine the gaping expression lacing his brother's face.

"Wait what? Holy shit are you and Jungkook actually dating!" Caleb practically screamed, dropping his spoon in his cereal soup.

"Keep your voice down." Jimin hisses, even if he was happy he couldn't handle Caleb's loud voice this early in the morning.

"Oh my! My little baby is growing up, I didn't realise you two were so serious." His mother comes barging in from the kitchen, large cup of her daily coffee in tow.

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