Chap 41: my surprise

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Butterflies fluttered aggressively in his stomach, knotting and twisting as his nervousness grew with every passing minute that ticked by. He was anxious, scared and above all excited. He hadn't texted Jungkook back, to afraid-maybe. He'd simply stare at at the message in awe, imagining scenarios of what they'd be doing.

Would they be naked? Will there be touching? Would he finally get to second or even third base?

He hoped and prayed he'd get to third base, he could only dream of what that really entailed. His head was in the clouds all day, never focused on the schoolwork that had been out in front of him. Whatever the teacher in the front of the class was going on about went completely over his head, in through one ear and out the other.

"Chim! Chim! Jimin!" Tae's piercing voice snatched him from his daze.

"Huh? What?" Jimin blinks away his day dreams, pushing them into the back of his mind.

It takes him awhile to realise he's the only one still sitting down at his desk, everyone else gone seeing as the bell rung almost five minutes ago.

"It's home time mate, you've been sitting there for ages." Tae already had his things packed, bag hanging off his shoulder.

"Oh? Oh!" Jimin scrambles for his stuff when he realised what home time meant.

He rushes to get his things together, carelessly cramming them in his bag and zipping it up. He pushes past Tae, wanting to get out and sprint to where his boyfriend is hopefully waiting.

"Now you're in a hurry?" Tae rolls eyes, following him a little slower down the hallway.

Jimin ignores him, instead votes for walking faster towards the exit bag clutched between his arms. His stomach did flips, he felt like he may throw up but he kind of liked the feeling.

"Will you stop running!" Tae has to practically break a sweat to catch him.

Jimin gives him a side glance, something clear hiding behind those wicked eyes of his.

"I'm meeting him! I'm probably late!" Jimin kicks the door open, the bright sun baring down on him.

"Whose waiting? Jungkook? I'm sure he can wait five minutes." Tae takes long strides, now beside him as he eyes the crowd for his own man.

Jimin looks to the car-bay, his eyes expand when he sees a certain someone leaning against his car looking like a Greek god. He was in his tight fitted jumpsuit he wears for work, looking like a messy, sexy beast with those boots and matted yet perfectly gelled hair. His arms were crossed over his chest, eyes baring into the pretend wandering around. Jimin practically drooled are the sight, his boyfriend really was something.

But a sudden embarrassment washes over him, remembering the little raunchy photo he'd sent not so long ago. Fears suddenly emerged that maybe Jungkook was mad at him, angry he sent that picture when he explicitly said no sexual stuff until he was older.

The knot in his stomach twists even more painfully tighter. It felt like his guts may spill out at any given moment. His legs became jelly, barley able to take his weight as he neared his boyfriend who was yet to notice him.

"Hey Jungkook!" Tae obnoxiously screams, making it blatantly obvious where they were.

Jungkook's gaze immediately snaps to the sound, eyes locking onto Jimin's with a subtle flare of something he couldn't put his finger on.

"Hey. Where's your mini me?" Jungkook's eyes never waver from Jimin as he talks.

"Mini me? I don't have a-oh! You mean Caleb, I think he's around here somewhere." Tae flicks his head side to side, glancing over the crowd that's slowly dispersing.

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