Chap 16: nice change

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Jimin woke up bright and early, he could barely sleep with all the excitement buzzing inside him. He was still high from his date, basking in this haze of euphoria. Jungkook has been a true gentlemen, he hadn't felt so comfortable with anyone before. Every moment of their date was spectacular, he couldn't fault a thing.

His dreams that night were filled with lustful, horny crazed fantasies of his teenage mind. There were so many things he dreamt up, wish would happen in real-wished he could relive. He knew they weren't anywhere near doing anything on the sexual side, though he'd love it if they did he also knew he himself wasn't ready. Whenever he did get close to something to sexual he grew embarrassed, shy and would chicken out last minute.

The furthers he's ever gone was french kissing, even then it had been amateur at best. They were both inexperienced, teeth clanged together, lips were bitten to harshly. He definitely needed to work in the kissing department if he planned on doing anything with Jungkook. He didn't-no couldn't embarrass himself anymore than he already has by adding bad kisser to the list.

Jimin stretches his tired muscles, groaning since sleep still laced his groggy mind. He was certainly no morning person, he was a night owl to the core. He was able to stay up for hours, late into the night until it couldn't be described as night anymore. Caleb and him used to have bets on who could stay up the latest. They'd watch movies, play video games until one of them passed out which always ended up being Caleb, no one could bet him-it just wasn't possible.

He reaches for his phone that laid on his side table, plunged in to charge. He pulls it out, unlocking it to be welcomed by a few texts from his new friends, one from Tae asking how the date went and of course that he would be coming over today. But they didn't matter, because what caught his eye was a certain sweet message from the one and only.

Sexy Neighbour😉
Good night gorgeous ♥️
Sleep well, I'll see you tomorrow xx

Jimin squeals like a little pig, hugging his phone into his chest while he gushed. Jungkook had sent him a goodnight text, it was sweet on its on but what topped it of was the love heart and of course two kisses at the end.

"Ahh! He's too perfect." Jimin exclaims, rereading the text to make sure he wasn't just seeing things.

Jimin debates on whether he should message him back, that text was sent over eight hours ago. But he felt he should reply, say something cute like he did but what? He had never been good at using his words, texting something flirtatious or sweet was a struggle. He would get to embarrassed and overthink it, grow paranoid they'd hate it or think he was weird. But just when he decides on what to do his phone buzzes, surprising him to the core to see who it was.

Sexy Neighbour😉
Morning love, hope you slept well.
I've got some errands to run so I will come over in the afternoon. Have a good day☺️

Jimin couldn't stop the blush creeping on his cheeks, he knew exactly how to get his heart racing. That nickname had him wheezing, he loved it. He quickly sends a reply, even more excited to start the day.

Cute Neighbour Boy🥺
Morning Kookie! I had a great sleep, thanks so much for last night. Sorry about my stupid brother, he can be a real ass😡
I'll be waiting, have a nice time running errands xx

Jungkook laughs at Jimin's reply, it was almost instant and he wasn't surprised. He guessed the boy was up, he could see movement in his bedroom through his window-not that he was spying or anything. He smiles at the text message before stuffing his phone into his pocket. He was already showered and dressed, he had a few things to do. Even if it was the weekend, chores awaited.

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