Chap 13: today's the day

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Jimin threw another unworthy outfit to the already stacking pile. He was finding it extremely difficult deciding on what to wear. He's never been more self conscious of his body, noticing so many flaws within himself. He didn't realise what a big ass he had or how thick his legs were until he was staring at them unwavering for the past hour.

He huffs in annoyance, having second thoughts of going for what seemed like the hundredth time. His insecurities were pilling on, he wanted to look good and he just couldn't seem to manage that. He glances at the clock, he had less than an hour till his date and he wasn't even near ready.

"Seriously Jimin, you look great. I don't know why you're complaining." Tae sat leaning back on the bed, growing tired of having tell he looked good.

Jimin pouts with his lips out, contorting his body to take a better look at himself, more specifically his big ass.

"Tae is my ass to big?" He cranes his neck, looking at Tae while he touches his ass.

"What? No! You've got a great ass Jimin, trust me I have to look at it all day I would know." Tae winks at him, out rightly going to stare at his ass.

Jimin picks up one of his shirts off the floor, throwing at him. Tae laughs, taking the shirt before playing with it. Jimin looks back to the mirror, tilting his head as he decides whether this is the one.

"Come on Jimin just decide, this one looks great, makes your ass look fucking fantastic!" Tae does squeezing motions with his hands, making Jimin roll his eyes.

Jimin takes another hard look, turning to the side, he raises an eyebrow, he couldn't deny his ass did look good. He was wearing tight, ripped at the knees jeans that hugged his thighs so suffocatingly he was sure it was cutting off circulation. To match he wore a silk red shirt that buttoned up, tucking into the waistband.

"Okay, I think this is the one. Now I've just got to figure out what jacket to put with it." Jimin goes over to his wardrobe, Tae groans in annoyance, the torment will never end.

Jimin searches through the many hangers that held his jackets, majority were the same simply in different shades or colours. He had several boomer jackets along with a few leather ones. But what would go with his outfit, that was the question.

"Jimin! I've got someone special here to see you." His mother calls from downstairs, Jimin's heart immediately starts racing with a mixture of excitement and fear.

"I'm not ready, I can't go like this Tae. I haven't done my hair, I don't even have a jacket yet." Jimin begins to panic, throat drying.

"Chim calm down, you look great. Your hair is always amazing, just go down there and get your man." He gets up off the bed, going to his wardrobe, leaning over him he picks out a dark navy blue boomer with a sown in red rose on the side.

"Here, this will go perfect." Tae helps him put it on, quickly fixing his hair.

Jimin tries to look at himself in the mirror, but Tae stops him. He pushes Jimin towards the door, not wanting him to waste anymore time on his appearance.

"I should show you all of his baby pictures, he was just the most adorable kid." He could hear his mother talking, Jimin instantly knew he had to get down before she embarrassed him.

Jimin walks down the steps, Tae not far behind him admiring his work. The sound of his footsteps abruptly stops their conversation, he suddenly sees a tall, strong figure makes its way out of the lounge.

Jungkook stands at the hood of the stairs, looking up in awe at the stunning man coming down those steps. A sweet grin beams his lips, a small bouquet of mixed roses in his grasp. He couldn't keep his eyes off him, not even when Jimin made it to the bottom, it was like he was transfixed.

"You look beautiful Jimin." Jungkook holds out the flowers, Jimin nervously takes them.

"T-thank you." Jimin looks down embarrassed, he could never keep Jungkook's gaze.

"He better look beautiful took him half a lifetime to get ready." Tae snorts out, Jimin gives him a hard look to shut up.

Jungkook only smiles wider, finding it sweet how easily Jimin blushes. He truly is an angel, the purest thing even though that outfit didn't show it.

"You two be careful, you better look after my boy Jungkook. He's my precious little baby." His mum pinches his cheeks, Jimin swats her away in a fit of embarrassment.

"Mum! Stop." He hides his face in the flowers, Jungkook laughs.

"I promise Miss Johnston, I will take great care of him." He shows a genuine smile, reassuring her that he will.

"Okay lets go Jungkook before anyone tries embarrassing me." He unknowingly takes Jungkook's hand, dragging him to the door.

"Make sure if you kiss him to use tongue, that's how guys like it." His brother suddenly pops up from the stairs, Jimin screams at him through his eyes, quickly pushing Jungkook out the house.

They walk side by side, Jimin having let go of his hand the moment he realised he had been holding it. He cutches onto the flowers to stop his fidgeting, he was extremely nervous and didn't know how to act.

"I hope you like seafood, I'm taking us to my favourite restaurant. It's cheap but the foods great." Jungkook speaks up when they reach his car, he opens the door like a true gentleman.

"I do, my mum swears I was a mermaid in another life with the amount I eat." Jimin curses himself slightly for over sharing, getting into the car so he couldn't se his red face.

Jungkook chuckles at that, shutting the door before getting in the other side. He switches on the engine, butterflies flutter in Jimin's stomach. It was really happening, he was going on a date with the sexy neighbour-his sexy neighbour.

"Are you going to hold onto those flowers all night Jimishi?" Jungkook gently asked when he reverses the car, Jimin swears his heart gave out at the nickname.

"Jimishi?" Jimin sounded breathless, still desperately holding onto the stems.

"Is it okay? I keep hearing that kid Tae is it? Calling you Chim and I thought I should have a nickname for you too." If Jimin was seeing correctly he could've sworn he saw him blush.

"I like it, no one's called me that before. And I like these flowers, no ones ever brought me roses before, I want to show them off to everyone." Jimin picks at the delicate pedals, enjoying how silky it felt in his fingers.

Jungkook smiles at that, for an odd reason liking that he was the first, first to give him a bouquet almost as beautiful as him. Maybe he could be the first of many things.

First date. First kiss. First boyfriend.

Jungkook liked the thought, being his first. He could be the one to teach him things, show him the enjoyments of life. Be the one to see him moan for the first time, be touched for the first time by his hands.

He shakes his head, he shouldn't be thinking like that, Jimin was still so young, still had so much to learn, to discover. This was only their first date, even if it went well he wasn't sure there would even be a kiss. Their first one didn't go so well, in fact it had been the reason they didn't talk for a week. He needed to take things slow, at least for now when Jimin was still so young and he technically was his teacher though not in the official sense. He couldn't rush into this like he usually does, this wasn't his typical relationship. He'd have to be careful, he's never dated anyone so young nor innocent. It would be his first and he couldn't deny he liked that.

Jimin would be the first boy he could actually see being with for the long hall. Most of his relationship were short and out lived. He never really took any of them seriously, they were merely flings or a simple psychical attraction were they only meet when they were in the mood. The last actual relationship he had was over a year ago, and it didn't exactly end well. It was a car crash waiting to happen, he should've broken up with him long before that but guess he was just to in love or close to it.

He glances to Jimin, the smile on his face permanent at how gorgeous he really was. Jimin truly was a beauty, Jungkook knew that and he felt pride he could get the chance to take him out, show him what Australia and him had to offer. He just hoped Jimin would like it.

Am I turning soft? Yes. Yes I think I am

Love you my honeybuns

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