Chap 33: Party time

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Jimin's phone vibrated on the kitchen table, buzzing away in silence onto deaf ears as Jimin was to distracted with finding an outfit to wear. Tae sat slumped on the bed, drifting in and out, his mind trailing away thinking about the blond boy.

"How about this? Do you think it will go with my pants?" Jimin holds up a black glittery shirt, matching it with his suffocating navy blue jeans.

Tae barley caught anything Jimin had been saying, too lost in his own dysmorphia where his demons lied. He didn't know what had come over him, he was growing scared he that he may be turning into someone he didn't recognise, someone he didn't want to be. A man driven by anger, by the raw emotion so deadly it could destroy anything in its path if it was ever let loose. He didn't want to be like that, an angry man controlled by his rage who only left destruction and heartache in his wake. 

He couldn't be that person-no he wouldn't be that person.

"Tae? Tae!" His torturous thoughts were snapped from his grasp by the sweet sound of Jimin's voice.

"What?" He blinked at him dumbfounded, unaware he'd missed anything.

"I said, what do you think of this outfit? Do you think they go together?" Jimin's overthinking mind raced, indecisive like always.

"You really are gay aren't you? No one obsesses over what they look like quite like you do Chim." Tae teases him, playfully poking fun at the small personality trait he had.

Jimin retaliates by throwing a shirt at him, pouting profusely like a child denied candy. He didn't think he was that bad, he just happened to like looking good when he was going out. Was that a crime? No.

"Just hurry up and pick something so we can go and get wasted, I'm ready to start the night." Tae impatiently orders him, having already decided what he was wearing, grabbing out the first thing he thought was drop dead sexy.

Jimin went as fast as he humanly good, making the most of what he could in the small timeframe Tae had given him.  When he had finally finished pampering himself it had already struck eight, night had fallen settling in. Jimin carelessly grabbed his phone, not bothering to check to excited about the night ahead and what it held.

"So where are you boys going again? Tenpin bowling was it? Are you sure you don't need me to drop you off? I am happy too, got nothing better to do with my friday night." Jimin's mother sat on the dining table, laptop open finishing off some work she hadn't during the day.

"Yes mum, we can walk it's not far. I'll probably stay the night at Tae's if that's alright?" Jimin felt bad for lying but he wasn't sure his mum would have let him go to the party if he had asked.

"Bye boys! Have fun sweetie, don't have too many sugary sweets you know what it does to your stomach." She screams when they head out the door, Jimin slams the door shut embarrassed. 

Jimin groaned, pinching his nose, hoping no one had heard that. 

The beat of the music drummed loudly throughout the house, vibrations creating a thumping inside his chest. His ears rang with the rhythmic sound, a delicious sensations making him want to sway his hips to the beat.

Young teenagers drunk or on the verge swarmed around like a pack of wolves. Hyping one another up, chugging drinks, grooving on the dance floor. It was truly a sight to see, Jimin had never seen anything like it. So many kids in one place having a good time without the watchful eye of adults.

"Let's get something to drink!" Tae leans into him, screaming over the smothering music.

Jimin nods his head eagerly, keen on the thought of tasting actual alcohol for the very first time. They wind their way through the thick crowd, little to no room to even breathe let alone move. Bodies pressed and brushed against him, in their own worlds unaware of their surroundings. The air had a sour tint to it, a thick mixture of teenage angst and mayhem. Strong stench of beer eroded from every direction, burning off every open bottle and can that laid carelessly around or in the hand of the drunk.

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