Chap 44: loved up

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Not edited :)

Tae didn't have many good things in his life. Before Jimin came into the picture his life really was quite sad. He doesn't show it much-his sadness. He doesn't like people seeing the worst sides of him, the sides where sorrow and pain dwelled. He liked upholding this facade where his life was sunshine and rainbows and he only ever smiled. It was hard sometimes, really hard in fact but he was strong, found ways to suppress his real emotions. He'd actually become quite good at it; hiding his emotions under layers of fake smiles and forced laughter. If he felt a wave of bitterness coming he'd try make jokes to push the feeling away. It usually worked. Most days no one was none the wiser, they never knew the pain hidden under those twinkling smiles.

"Why don't you ever invite me to your house? I haven't even met your parents." Caleb asked him while they're walking to school, hand in hand of course.

Tae doesn't reply right way, mind fumbling for an excuse as to why. He understood Caleb's curiosity, they're dating and of course he'd at some point bring him home to meet the family. That's what normal couples do isn't it?

"It's just-...I like your house. There's a lot more to do at yours than mine. My house sucks you would hate it believe me." Tae tries shrugging off the conversation, he drags Caleb closer to him, squeezing his hand tighter.

"Why would I hate your house? I just want to see where you live Tae. Plus, I'm going to have to meet your parents at some point right?" Caleb glances at him, eyebrow raised curiously.

Tae tried to hide the flush that took over him at the mention of him meeting his parents. He didn't know how to explain it all. It's confusing and hard to understand sometimes even he has struggles comprehending it all. There were just some things you didn't talk about and his family was one of them.

"It's not important right now Cay, okay? We're happy the way we are right now let's not spoilt it." Tae dismisses the conversation, he wanted to move past it, talk about something else.

Caleb abruptly stops walking, frowning. Staring at the ground, anywhere but him.

"Are you ashamed of me? Do your parents not want you dating a boy?" Caleb's eyes glisten, lips turn to a soft pout.

Tae quickly tries to think of something, the hurt in his boyfriends eyes enough to make him want to do anything to please him. He didn't want him thinking he was ashamed, because he wasn't. He could never be ashamed of dating someone so pure, so sweet, so perfect.

"I could never be ashamed of you Caleb. You understand me?!" Tae gently grips his chin, forcing his eyes to look at his.

Celeb nods softly, almost timidly as he didn't quite yet believe it.

"We better get going, we're going to be late."


Jimin walks into school with a chip on his shoulder, pride in his stride. He felt more confident, like he stood taller and prouder than he ever did before.

Why was this?

He didn't quite know. Was it because of the little sexual act him and his perfect boyfriend did the night before.


It certainly did have a factor on his demeanour.

He was beginning to think that's why a lot of people were unhappy. Why some of his teachers were grumpier than others. They simply weren't getting laid. Getting laid made people happy- nicer. Well that's at least what he thought. Even though he hasn't had actual 'sex' the little taste he did have made him hungry for more. He couldn't wait for school to end so he could see his sexy man of a boyfriend. God knows what they'd get up to but he was very excited seeing it was Friday and all.

"Hi Jimin! Someone looks awfully happy today." Taehyung nudges him, giving him a little smirky wink.

"What's not to be happy about? The suns shining and it's finally Friday." Jimin opens his locker, grabbing the books he needs for his first two classes.

Tae leans against the wall, staring at his hand that is now empty as Caleb left him to see his other friends. He lingers for a second, eyebrows narrowed in as if in thought.

"Is it bad Caleb hasn't meet my parents yet?" He asks, needing advice as he wasn't entirely sure what to do.

Jimin thinks for a second, "I don't think so, I mean I haven't meet Jungkook's parents."

"That's because they still live in Korea." Tae interjects.

"True. But there's no set time when things have to happen in a relationship. They sorta just happen when both of you are ready." Jimin felt kinda proud by how wise he sounded, what a profit he'd become.

Tae soaks what Jimin said in, nodding intently as his lips purse. He supposed Jimin was right, they were still relatively new and they had no reason to rush things. The longer he could hold off having Caleb meet his parents the better.

"So how are you two love birds going? Can't believe you're already at the I love you stage." Tae walks beside Jimin as they stroll down the loud corridor.

"Perfect Tae! He's honestly the man of my dreams. I really do love him." Jimin beams so bright, almost glowing with glee.

Jimin knew he was probably moving to fast, seeing as it was his first ever relationship. But there was something different about Jungkook, he felt secure and safe with him. Maybe it was Jungkook's age and maturity that made him so appealing. Because he was older and been around the block dating scene wise it made him feel safer about being himself. Jimin felt he could trust Jungkook, they may have had their ups and downs but no matter what Jungkook never stopped trying.

It was nice for a change to have a man in his life who he could actually rely on. It had been hard to trust after his parents messy divorce. Even though he still somewhat talked to his father he never really felt much connection there. Since he left Jimin grew this shield of protection, learnt to cover his heart in armour in fears someone else he loves leaves him too.

His father took more than just himself when he left that day, he took away the bond he had with his children. He lost all the respect and love his children had for him, he lost them as well his wife.

It made Jimin sad sometimes when he thought about it, he used to be very close to his father and now that's all gone away. He supposed that's why he's rather restricted with his emotions, he's secretly scared without knowing it.

Meeting Jungkook was the best thing to happen to him, he reminded him to trust, to love, to care again. It felt so good.


"How's lover boy?" Yoongi wiggles his eyebrows, cheeky smirk plastered on his lips.

Jungkook dumps himself beside him on the couch, still in his overalls still covered in oil grease.

"He's good, thanks for asking Yoongi." Jungkook was to tired to play the cat and mouse game the two of them usually play.

"You stink. You really need a shower if you want to do anything with that boy of yours." Yoongi pinches his noise, scrunching up his face.

Jungkook gives him a quick kick to the shin, glaring at him a little. "Shut the fuck up! He's not a child okay! The jokes getting a little fucking old." He flares his nostrils, breathing a heavy sigh.

"Jeez okay! What's got you so pissed off man." Yoongi rubs his calf, getting up from his seat.

Jungkook huffs, combing his fingers through his thick black hair. He was frustrated from a long day and from unsuspected visitor. He'd had a crap morning with several extra jobs that took a lot longer than expected. He loved cars, his job but sometimes some of the shit he had to deal with was getting old. Plus the fact having to see a man he never wanted to see again definitely was the cherry on top of a very shitty day.

"Nothing! Just been a long day." Jungkook ruffles his hair, groaning loudly.

"Yeah sure." Yoongi rolls his eyes, beginning to head towards the stairs.

"Youngjae came to visit me today."

Thank you so much for being so patient! I'm so sorry for being gone so long. I'll try update more 🥰

Love you ❤️

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