Chapter Two

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"Coach is going to kill me."

I was awake, but my eyes were still closed. Ryan's voice sounded far away, with a hint of emotion that was not common for him.


I could faintly smell his brand of deodorant and laundry detergent, and I knew that I was in his room.

"Dude, you just need to explain what happened. I mean she's your sister. You weren't even drinking."

The second voice sounded vaguely familiar but I couldn't place it.

"Do you think he'll care why I did it? It's on the front page, man."

Ryan sighed and I could picture him running his hands through his hair as he paced the floor.

"I was about to kick his ass myself. I should have."

Images from the previous night started flashing in my head. The bar, Lydia, the guy with the blue eyes . . . .

It was too much. I thought my head might split in two.

"I've gotta go," Ryan said, "Take her to breakfast or something if she'll let you, will ya?"

"Yeah man, of course. Go ahead."

My eyes shot open as I heard the door close and realized who the second voice belonged to. I saw him look over at me just as the realization hit.

"Oh, hey," he said. His eyes were even brighter in the morning light that was streaming through the window. I squinted. Too bright. Ryan's dorm room was much bigger than mine and he didn't have a roommate. He also had his own bathroom. Football player perks. 

"Did he seriously just leave me with a stranger?" My voice was raspy and I cleared my throat, pushing up on my elbows.

"Not exactly," he said, "I've known Ryan for a while now."

I used the hair band on my wrist to pull my mess of hair up into a bun.

"Okay . . . so who are you?" I asked. I felt a little betrayed, having talked to this guy the night before with no idea that her already knew my brother. 

He was wearing relaxed jeans and a blue t-shirt that hugged his biceps. It did everything for his electric blue eyes. I looked away quickly and focused on adjusting my hair. I was suddenly very aware that I was wearing the same clothes as yesterday. My shirt smelled like Vodka.

"Yeah I guess we never got to names last night. I'm Andrew. Transferred from USC and moved in yesterday. Go Cocks, remember?" He grinned.

I groaned inwardly and vowed never to drink again.

"Don't tell Ryan I said that. Mr. Quarterback would never forgive me."

"I mean, he and I are on the same team now so I guess I should be offended as well."

I could tell he was joking, but I was confused. 

"I guess second string quarterback opinion doesn't count for much, but we can't all be as awesome as your brother." He was still grinning like he was telling a wonderful joke. 

I vaguely remembered Ryan talking about a transfer quarterback who he had been speaking with for months. I typically tuned out a bit when Ryan started talking about football, so the details alluded me.

"Wow, I know two quarterbacks now. How did I ever get so lucky?" I deadpanned and got out of the bed. It appeared as though Ryan had put me in his bed and he had slept on the couch. Always the protector.

"So what are you doing here, in Ryan's room?" I asked.

"He didn't want you to be alone when you woke up, so he called me."

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