Chapter Eleven

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The trip home seemed much longer this time. I was silent, my mind churning with the images of my cousin sitting at home by himself, hurt and alone. I imagined him sending me messages to call him, hoping that I would just pick up the phone and save him from his own thoughts, like Ryan had saved me time and time again when things were just too overwhelming.

Andrew had sent me a few text messages, letting me know that I could call him anytime and that we could get together when I was back in town if I wanted some company. I already missed the comfort of his presence and the feeling of his skin against mine.

When we arrived, Mom met us at the door and hugged us each a little too tightly, holding on just a little too long.

"He's at William Scott Memorial Hospital," she said.

We put our bags in our rooms and left for the hospital.

When we arrived, Ryan and I walked through the doors and were greeted by the overwhelming scent of antiseptic cleaners and white walls. People were passing us, some looking upset and others holding balloons. I wondered at the vastly different scenarios, and the complete array of emotions that can be felt in a hospital building. I could sense the overwhelming joy as well as the devastating pain, as everyone was much too quiet. 

I took shallow breaths as we walked, imagining the countless illnesses that were housed there at that very moment. Ryan glanced my way then ushered me forward without a word. He had been strangely quiet since showing up at my dorm, but I figured that it was to be expected after hearing the news.

We walked to the front desk and got Daniel's room number, then headed toward the elevators.

"Mom said that Uncle Rob didn't really want him to have visitors," I said.

"We're not visitors, we're family," was Ryan's response.

We took the elevator up to the third floor and found Daniel's room. Ryan knocked and we heard a familiar voice say, "Come in."

We opened the door slowly. I couldn't help but think that hospital doors should always be opened slowly, for fear of what may await on the other side.

But when we saw Daniel on the bed, he looked like... Daniel.

His arms were bandaged, and I looked away. Seeing them made my stomach churn.

But we weren't the only ones in the room.

Emily was sitting by his bed, holding his hand. Preston sat next to her, and then...


I didn't mean to say it out loud, but I was so dumbfounded to see him there.

He stood when he saw me enter the room, and seemed hesitant to approach me.

"What the hell are you guys doing here?" Ryan asked. I put a hand on his arm.


"No, it makes no fucking sense that they are here."

I looked up at him, and then over to Daniel.

"They're here because they're my friends," Daniel said.

"We're your family," Ryan said.

"Yeah, and you guys weren't exactly there when I needed you, were you?"

I looked at Ryan, and he looked at me with furrowed brows.

"Look, I don't really care now, but neither of you really gave a damn to call me when I asked you to, so let's just chill out, shall we?"

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