Chapter Seven

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The next morning, I was back at Steadman with my grandfather's journal in hand. I had not been able to read as much of it as I had planned during my short visit home, but I had 2 weeks to peruse the pages to my heart's desire.

It was Friday, and my date with Andrew was coming up fast. I had so many mixed emotions from my visit home, and I hadn't spoken to Ryan about any of it. He was still acting out of the ordinary, and I knew that a sibling date was in order for both of us.

I had forgotten to let him know that I was leaving that morning, so I called him as I arrived to my dorm door and inserted the key. He didn't answer.

And there he was, sitting on Lydia's bed, making out with her.

"What the...."

They broke apart immediately, like teenagers caught by parents. Both of them avoided eye contact with me as Ryan jumped off the bed, smoothing out his clothes and his hair.

"Uh, hey Vic. Didn't know you were coming back today."

I raised an eyebrow at him with a smirk.

"Here I am though!' I said.

Lydia sat back against the wall and tossed her hair back, suddenly very interested in the design of the quilt on her bed.

"Oh please," I said, putting my bag down on the floor and setting Grandpa's journal on my nightstand, "It was obvious that this was going to happen."

"What's that?" Ryan asked, clearing his throat and nodding toward the journal.

"Grandpa's journal. Mom said that he wanted me to read it."

"Well, what about me?"

"I'm sure you can read it too," I said, "We actually have a lot to talk about. I tried calling you just now to see if you wanted to go to lunch, but it seems you were a bit tied up."

"Ok, ok," he said holding up his hands, "we will catch up at lunch. Don't be awkward."

"I'm being awkward?!"

"I'm going back to my room. Let me know when you're ready to go to lunch."

I turned to Lydia.

"You going with him?"

I started laughing and Ryan left saying, "Really, Vic?"

"Ok, last one for real," I said.

I started unpacking my the clothes from my bag. My mom had made sure to wash everything so that I wouldn't have to bother with the dorm washer and dryer. I picked up one of my shirts and it still smelled like home.

"So... is it ok?"

I turned around and looked at Lydia sitting on the bed.

"What? You and Ryan?"

She looked uncomfortable.

"Well... yeah."

"Pf, I'm not his mom," I said, "He can be with whoever he wants."

"Yeah but that's not what I asked," she said.

I tossed the last shirt down on the bed, then crossed my arms as I looked at her.

"Look, he's my brother. I know you don't like long term relationships, which is fine. Just... make sure he knows what you're looking for, ok?"

She stood up from the bed and pursed her lips.

"What do you mean? That I just play the field and sleep around?"

"What?... no... I'm saying...."

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