Chapter Fourteen

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I heard "This Magic Moment" playing before my mind even began to conjure any images.

In the dream, I was standing alone on the patio of the reception hall again. The strings of lights were blinding, and I held a hand over my eyes. I looked down, and my emerald green cocktail dress was sitting high on my thighs. I reached down to pull it down, and suddenly there were hands on my legs, running up my dress and to my waist.

I looked up, and it was Reid.

"I need you," he said.

"No," I said, backing away. He frowned, and I hit something hard.

I turned around, and Andrew was staring back at me, looking confused.

"Victoria? Are you OK?" he asked.

I shook my head, feeling hot tears in my eyes.

"No," I said, backing away again.

Then Daniel walked out from behind Andrew and pointed to my arm, laughing.

"Vic, what the hell?" he said.

I looked down, and blood was running down my arms and covering my hands. "This Magic Moment" was playing louder, pounding in my ears. I pulled my hands up to my ears and felt warm blood on the sides of my face.

I woke up with a scream, running my hands along my wrists, my breathing ragged.

Five... four... three... two.... one....

Breathe in... breathe out... It was just a dream.

I took a deep breath, and looked over at Lydia's bed but she wasn't there. I closed my eyes and leaned back against the pillow, willing my pulse to return to normal.

I checked the time on my phone, and it was a little after ten o'clock. I felt sick at the thought of facing Andrew. My delirious dream-like state from the night before was gone, and I tried to forget the images from the wedding.

I had a slew of text messages from Reid.

What happened?

Are you OK?


Dammit, can you please just let me know if you're OK?

The last one had been sent at three in the morning.

My hand was shaking as I sat up in the bed, found his phone number on my phone and called him. He answered immediately.

"Victoria? What's going on? Where are you?" 

I squeezed my eyes closed, allowing every bit of guilt to wash over and torment me, because that's what I deserved.

"I'm back at my dorm."

"What? You went back? I thought . . . ."

"I'm so sorry, Reid," I said, unable to stop the tears, "We can't keep on like this. What we had is gone."

"Victoria, I'm coming to see you. This is ridiculous. What about yesterday?"

The thought of seeing him made my stomach churn, and I said, "We can't see each other again, Reid. Do you understand that? We can't keep doing this. Yesterday was a mistake and I'm the only one to blame. We're no good for each other, and I need space to move on."

Once I said it, the tears started flowing in big droplets against my cheeks and I choked back a sob.

The line was silent, and I was too afraid to say anything.

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