Definite Embarassment (Thranduil x elf reader, fluff)

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"You're staring at him again," Tauriel muttered, nudging your foot with her own subtly under the table.

The leaders of Mirkwood's guard had been called to a meeting with the Elvenking to discuss increasing daily border patrols. However, it was less of a meeting, and more of an argument between Legolas and his father. The two had spent the last several hours in heated debate about the subject, and most of the guard had tuned them out or completely dozed off.

You, however, had seized the opportunity to daydream about Thranduil for a bit.

"Ego, mibo orch," you hissed, your face turning a light pink in embarrassment. Tauriel chuckled. She was well aware of your fascination with the king of Mirkwood, and felt the need to tease you about it whenever the situation allowed.
Your promotion to the higher ranks of the guard (a century or so ago at this point) meant your presence was required in many more meetings with Thranduil. As you began to see him more and more, you found yourself being drawn to the seemingly cold and reserved elf.

After a long while of observing him, you decided he wasn't cold and reserved at all, just overly concerned with matters involving his kingdom (as any king should be). You could see that he deeply cared about his son, despite their frequent disagreements. You admired the way he handled with difficult situations, and even though you were confident he had no idea who you were, you cared deeply about him.

What had started as mere curiosity had gradually turned into infatuation, and Tauriel thought it was hilarious.

"My, doesn't Thranduil look nice today?" she jested, causing you to turn an even deeper shade of pink.

"(Y/N), are you feeling alright?" you heard Legolas say. Your head snapped to the head of the table, where both Legolas and Thranduil were staring at you in concern.

"What?" you squeaked, trying desperately to avoid Thranduil's gaze.

"I said are you feeling alright," Legolas repeated. "You look flushed."

"Oh, I'm quite alright, just a little warm is all," you rushed dismissively.

"Are you sure?" he asked. You nodded quickly, noticing the slight look of amusement on Thranduil's face. You groaned internally and made a mental note to yell at Tauriel later for causing this situation.

You spent the rest of the meeting both replaying that embarrassment inside of you head countless times and trying to avoid the mischievous looks Tauriel kept shooting your way. Thus, you were more than grateful when Thranduil dismissed the assembly. You stood up quickly and pushed your chair in, ready to sprint away and hide in your room until your patrol tomorrow.

"(Y/N), I'd like you to stay for a while."

You paled and turned around slowly, praying that you were mistaking some other elf's voice for Thranduil's, or that he had been addressing someone else. But you knew that voice anywhere, and the direct look he was giving you confirmed your fear.

"N-no, hîr vuin," you stuttered, trying to ignore the look on Tauriel's face (which did not conceal the laughter she was trying to hold in).

Thranduil nodded and made a slight hand motion for you to come towards the head of the table. The others (Tauriel included) streamed out of the room, and very shortly you and Thranduil were left alone in the room.

Hopefully he was unaware of how nervous you were. Although you had spent years pining after him, he had never acknowledged you personally. You didn't want to make a fool of yourself the first time you talked to him.

"Legolas was telling me about the patrol on the southern border form two weeks ago," the Elvenking started, slowly standing up from the table. "Le athae. You were very brave."

He was referring to the morning when a member of your party (a new addition to the guard) somehow ended up entwined in the web of a forest spider. You and Legolas had spent the remainder of that morning defending your party from the oversized arachnids, which cost you more than a fair amount of arrows. However, you were willing to overlook that sacrifice due to the praise you were now receiving.

You had forgotten how tall he was.

"Le athae, but it was no problem at all. I'm sure any capable member of the guard would have performed similarly," you said, having to crane your neck up to look Thranduil in the eyes. You were not short for an elf, but the height distance between the two of you was obvious.

"Legolas said you carried out the majority of the rescue yourself. Do not undermine your performance," he said. "Agórel vae."

"Truly, it was nothing," you replied. The room fell into a content silence. You were relishing in simply being in his presence.

"Well, I don't think it was nothing," he said softly, and you could have sworn you saw the corners of his mouth tilt into a smile. "Legolas also informed me of the many arrows you lost, so I saw it fit to have several more delivered to your chambers."

"Le athae, hîr vuin!" you exclaimed, grinning widely.

"I hope you know you're allowed to call me Thranduil," he said playfully.

"Le athae,Thranduil," you said, drawing out his name. You could not help but beam when you saw his smile. He sighed.

"Boe annin mened, I'm sure you're aware of the great plethora of responsibilities that are thrown at me," he said, sounded slightly annoyed. You laughed a bit.

"It's alright, perhaps I'll get the chance to talk to you soon?" you questioned earnestly.

"Perhaps," he said, turning towards the door. You watched, slightly mesmerized as he walked away slowly. He reached the door, and turned around, looking you directly in the eyes.

"Maybe you'd like to join me on a walk this evening?" he asked hopefully. You grinned.

"Of course, Thranduil," you replied, causing him to grin once again. You noted that his smile was positively contagious, and could not resist the smile that overtook your own face.

"Galu," he said happily, and your happy expression lingered even after he left the room.

Perhaps you'd soon get much closer to Thranduil. You rushed out of the room, both giddy and eager to find Tauriel and tell her everything that had happened.

Sindarin Translations:
Ego, mibo orch - Begone, kiss an orc
No - Yes (this one's pretty funny I think)
Hîr vuin - My lord
Le athae - Thank you
Agórel vae - You did well
Boe annin mened - I must go
Galu - Good bye

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