Chapter 9

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I and the others set our course for a planet where we were told to find our little friend, Vic is what Grif said was his name. West was kind of surprised to know whom we were going to meet up with. Honestly, I was still trying to understand why West and Jaden seemed to act so odd, I mean they hadn't truly known one another but it is odd to see them relating in what they get into and I guess it is how some people would act of they met up with their father for the very first time besides when they were born.

I soon found myself resting in a temporary quarters but it was comfortable, admittedly I had to clean it out. I happened to look out my window and saw the place but what I saw outside surprised me, a Infinity sized ship outside. I jumped then I saw the familiar name on the side of it, it was the Eternity.

Author's Note:
The Eternity is the sister ship to the Infinity from the Halo saga but it was never completed and stuck on the first planet the Covenant attacked, I believe the planet's name was Harmony but I don't totally remember off hand. But in this, you'll see why it is here.

[Holy s**t! He bloody did the darn dare!] Theta said.

Theta, language please. I don't like hearing you cuz. And what the heck do you mean? I asked him out of confusion.

[You'll learn on what I mean, now, I think the others want you on deck.]

I got up and went over to the bridge to find the others there, Kate, Jaden, and Jace all surprised to see the Eternity like I was.

Wing laughed as she said. "Haha! He did get it off world and into his grasps to only complete it."

"Yeah, it is odd really that he actually completed the dare!" West laughed.

"I am not going to ask because I bet it involves y'all having a truth or dare session during a nice game of Rumy." I joked.

"Uh, you are correct actually about that!" Wing laughed.

"Give the lady a cookie, how did ya know?" Sarge asked.

"Uh..." I said out of surprise as I was speechless as heck to what I had just heard.

We soon heard the sound of someone's phone going off with the Spam Song. We all turned to Tucker who pulled out his phone and said. "Hello... Sup, Vic. Hey can I ask if we could come into your ship?... Why? Well... we have friends in danger and we thought you could help us plus this rust bucket is not meant to get into a full on firefight.... Thanks. Cya."

"Did we just sit through a one way conversation or were you really talking with Vic?" Simmons asked.

"I did talk with him."

"Does he have cookies?" Caboose said out of no where.


After landing we went over to where we saw a guy with a yellow UNSC uniform and a pair of, oh Lord have mercy for me saying this... a pair of Hawaiian shorts on with flip flops.

"Hey dudes and dudests!" He said in a weird voice.

"Sup, Vic." Wing said. "You're gonna help us?"

"Heck yeah I am! Get aboard and get yourselves comfortable and we shall be off."

Weirdest guy I met. I said to myself.

[Yeah, but he is pretty cool in my opinion.] Theta said to me.

I mean, he completed the Eternity so heck yeah he is cool.

We were shown to our quarters, I got a really cozy one with Jaden as my roommate which was odd as Kate and Jace were roomies. Was he silently shipping us, I don't know really. I found found a pair of blue jeans and a Borderlands 2 shirt and put it on. I placed my rifle in the locker with my armor and my other weapon, which was given to me, a battlefield that belonged to my mother at one point.

Jaden looked over to me and asked. "You alright?"

"Yeah, I just don't know where to start, darn... this is all too a weird for me to comprehend." I said to him as I sat on the couch.

He sat down next to me and placed his hand on my shoulder as he said. "We'll get through this. Plus, I guess I owe you, if I didn't met you, I wouldn't of her my father nor be even..."

I smiled as I knew what he was trying to get at, Theta and Church appeared, Theta glared at Church as Church went to say something but didn't as Theta is terrifying when he is angry. I gently pushed his white hair back behind his ear, revealing his Nova eye and he did the same with my oddly misplaced eye.

He pulled me closer to him by my waist and lifted my head up, our lips met, his were so soft and tasted so sweet, I loved it. He knew it and let me wrap my arms around his neck, this moment lasted for a while up until we heard the squeal of Kate saying. "SHHHHHIIIIIIPPPPP!"

"Kate!" Me and Jaden yelled at her.


Jace soon peeked around the corner and said in the calm voice. "You were kind of-"

"Jace, do you want me to pet your ears?"


The two soon ran off, I and Jaden started laughing as we soon headed off to bed.

I know I've been very delayed on this new part but I have been doing a lot of things. I hoped you enjoyed and I'll see you in the next one.

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