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Stealing this concept from Molly and Zoe, where all YouTubers have this one town where work and hang out

From here I'm expanding/altering it for my world stuff, that it's a full world off of HUB full of sets and locations and stages and all that kind of stuff. Different follower/subscriber counts get you access to different parts of the major city where the Big Ones hang out. I guess like 30,000+ is kind of where you start to be recognized and have cool perks and such?

I'm nowhere near 30,000+, but I'm allowed into the area to some extent to help a YouTuber, QuteJakey, who does Minecraft machinimas (totally go check him out I actually do help on the production team and his role plays are like actual TV shows in Minecraft and it's really truly amazing) produce his shows.

This is also based off of our RP that I haven't talked much about, but quick version we needed Grian and Xisuma to come to Kermitcraft to help fix NPG and get incredibly tangled up/reveal some secrets with a power we can't handle who wants us permanently dead. Yeah, it's an absolute mess and we're all wondering how we're still alive halfway through


Becca threw the latest costume into the shulker box, along with her Magiclicas Shorts drafts she had been playing around with, and picked it up and dodged back into the crowd of the busy subset of HUB where YouTubers and other content creators worked. It was weird, how HUB itself seemed to evolve to include what almost was its own world for a class of people that had only come about in the past few generations.

She quickly dismissed the wondering, knowing she had work to do. She strode up to the gates of the next sector, getting scrutinizing looks from the crowd that a girl like her would even think of approaching this area.

But Becca easily scanned her phone across the sensor and the gate slid open, and no one stopped her. She had access to the Big Ones Area, as she called it since she could not for the life of her find out what it's actually called, although not because she was actually famous. Rather that she helped out one of the Big Ones, a YouTuber called QuteJakey, produce his show on the sets around here and in another smaller world. She hoped to get here of her own accord one day, but for now, she was honored to be able to walk these streets where some of the most famous celebrities and players of all time had walked just from this. 

She looked around as she went- the shulker box wasn't incredibly heavy so it wasn't an issue to lift. There was Jessica and Jason, AKA Aphmau and Aaron, sitting with their family at a cafe, their two oldest kids laughing and playing with Jet the corgi. Becca smiled and glanced away, not wanting to intrude on their privacy, and turned the street to where most of the sets and studios were located. 

Immediately, she bumped into someone. She jumped back and apologized.

"Oh gosh, so sorry-"

"No problem. Hey, haven't I seen you around?" Becca found herself looking at one of more famous of the new group of rising celebrities, TheFamousFilms, AKA Bryan.

She tucked the shulker box under an arm. "Uh, yeah maybe. I'm a mod on Jakey's channel and I'm on Mineteria, but I don't think we've met personally?" Becca explained quickly, ducking her head and averting eye contact with the much more respected male.

He smiled. "Ah, I see. I'd love to stay and chat, but I've got a Origins of Olympus recording session to get to. I think Jakey's going to be there too, so you might just want to drop that box off at the studio and not wait around. Anyway, say hi next time we meet!" Bryan then quickly waved goodbye and continued on his way before stopping at some point, messing with his server access band, and teleporting to what Becca could only guess was the OoO server. 

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