Red Eyes

184 10 35

Becca snuggled into the warm blue covers of her bed as she prepared to go to sleep for the night. She was alone, except for NPC Grian, but he didn't count toward sleep count due to his lack of being an actual player, so in the server's eyes she was the only one online.

I love that I live in this extreme hills because it means I have an excuse to have very fluffy blankets. Doesn't matter that I wear a sleeveless vest and shirt when it's below freezing up here. My cave is warm, my bed is warm...

She put out the torch in her bedroom, unable to sleep with the light. This was a problem she had struggled with forever, so she had learned how to mob-proof her room fairly early on. It only seemed like a blink of an eye to her, but she knew that it was actually the hours of darkness that she would be sleeping away.

She felt herself nodding off into the quiet blanket of sleep, when the darkness in front of her eyes changed from a dark grey, almost black but not quite, to a dull red.

Something's there. There was that horrid shiver of realization that something was wrong and that Becca might be in danger.

NPG? The blonde knew who it was- who else would it be? What she was concerned about was why his eyes were glowing? They only changed to red when he was angered or upset or in that murderous mode that had secretly terrorized her and the server for a short while. The glitched AI that had for a short time had bee corrupted and taking over their technology had secretly scared her, even if Becca had hid it behind her tough, strong, mediating actions in trying to keep NPG sane and Evil Xisuma from making a mistake with their relationship.

She cracked her eyes just enough to see the glowing ruby eyes of the artificial demon. She tried to keep her breathing and body normal as if she were still on her way to sleep. Limbs loose yet tense, breathing slow yet false.

What if he kills me in my bed? I'll respawn right next to it, and him. Does that give me an advantage? Or him? Do grab my sword or my bow or my shield or try to run outside?

There was slight movement of the red in the black. Becca froze, waiting for some weapon or another to strike her.

Instead, there was a comforting press against her blanket, a gentle outline of her form in the bed.

"Sleep well, Becca," NPG whispered.

She smiled. "Thanks. You rest as well."

A ghost of a smile crossed his face, lit by his glowing eyes. Ever since the code corruption had been fixed somehow, NPG had had the slightest signs of... humanity. Being alive and not just programmed.

"Sorry for scaring you," NPG apologized quietly, "Night vision."

"No problem. You can crash here if you want. I have extra room in my bed. Platonic sleep over?" Becca offered, waking up more and scooting over to let NPG crawl into bed with her if he wanted.

He obviously hesitated. Becca knew she was taking a risk- with EX, there had been too many negative risks associated with beds and sleeping. But she hoped that he knew that despite all of her teasing and questionable actions in the midst of a crisis that she truly did care about him.

"May I do something?" He asked.


NPG broke the second half of Becca's bed and placed it down by the fireplace. He glanced at her uncertainly, and she smiled in encouragement.

"Sleep well, NPG,"

"You too, Becca."

Becca rolled onto her side, away from the slight glow of the fireplace and NPG's eyes, to look at the different light of a thousand gleaming stars.


Word count: 670

I actually wrote this a while ago (way before the RP started) and apparently it was some sort of a vent that I can't remember?? I remember hating it at first but reading it back I really don't mind if that much, except that it's short lol

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