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-ZOE'S P.O.V.-

"So, are we going to sit here and wait for something to happen?" I looked at the guy as he spoke. He must be their friend.

"You must be hungry since you haven't eaten" He asked looking at me.

"Eben shut up!" Jack yelled before getting up and walking out the dinning room.

I looked at Jonah and the other guy as they were both shocked by what just happened. I didn't know if I should be afraid or calm as to what's happening, but one thing I know for sure is Jack is mad.

"Why did you run?" Jonah asked looking at me.

"Why? Don't you think it's obvious, because I don't want to be here, I don't even know why I'm here!"

"You and your mom were going to runaway"


"They knew you would runaway which is why you're here"

It's true we were going to run away, but we didn't. My father warned us to always stay close incase he ever came out of prison, but I don't think that's happening anytime soon.

"By the way, Zoe isn't it? Well hello I'm Eben nice to meet you, but I have a question, who were you calling when we got there?"

They saw, well no shit they saw. Fuck! I looked at them as they both looked at me waiting for me to answer his question. I swallowed my saliva before talking.

"No one, I was thinking of calling someone but I didn't have any change on me"

"I think you're lying to us"

"Why would I ne lying?"

"You told someone you where there didn't you?"

"Who would I tell?"

"Daniel" I looked up and saw Jack looking at me.

"You called Daniel and told him didn't you? Of course you did, he's your bestfriend"

"I didn't"

"Then you wouldn't mind if I take my men and go see for myself, if he's there I'll make sure to teach him a lesson, Eben let's go. Jonah keep an eye out on her"

He was serious, he's going to go. I got up and walked in front of him.

"Don't...please don't"

"So you did call him?"

"Please don't hurt him"

I watched as he leaned closer to me moving my hair behind my ear before leaning against my ear. I felt his warm breath against my neck.

"I'm going to teach him a lesson he won't forget. I suggest you stay put and don't cause Jonah any trouble" I looked at him as he smirked at me.

He walked away leaving me frozen by his words. He's going to hurt Daniel, what did I do. Jonah turned to look at me before walking over.

"Let's watch a movie while they come back"


"She's not here"

"I traced the call back to here"

I looked at Corbyn and his men. There was no sign of Zoe. I walked towards the phone and looked at it.

"Hey Corbyn, you can hack into cameras can't you?"

"You're talking to the worlds best hacker"


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