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-ZOE'S P.O.V.-

"You sure this area is safe?"

"Don't worry, it may look sketchy but it's the safest place we have for right now"

I looked around as he drove down the street, we were able to make it downtown without anyone following us. The houses here looked abandoned, and some of them were, they where torn down with graffiti on them, while the others looked in good state. Jack began to slow down as we reached a house at the end of the block. He drove into the driveway opening the garage. I looked at him, did he have this planned out already. He drove inside the garage before closing it.

"Come on let's head inside" I nodded beofre getting out of the car. I looked around, the garage was filled with tools and a fridge. I followed Jack as we made our way inside the house.

"Welcome to my house"

"This is your place?"

"Yeah, it was my parents house but now it's mine"

The interior design was simple yet welcoming. There was a dinning table and a living room with a t.v, a family home. He walked to the fridge by the table before opening it, there was nothing.

"We're going to have to get some things to eat and drink"

"How long are we going to stay here? What if the rest aren't okay?"

"We'll know by tonight, don't worry I'm sure everything is going to be okay" He walked to the couch sitting down.

"Why are you so calm about this? We just got shot at, at the one place I thought we would be safe"

"Well what do you want me to do, scream for help and stress myself"

"No, but you could still act a little worried" I walked to the other side of the couch sitting down. What if my mom got hurt. What about Jonah, Eben and Drew. What if Demanti got hurt?

"Look I know you're scared and worried about the rest, but this to me is all normal. Just stay calm for now and we'll figure out what to do"

"Earlier you said they were after me, why?" He turned and looked at me before getting up walking to a shelf next to the tv he got a book and walked back towards me before sitting next to me. I looked at the book, a photo album.

"I'm sure Demanti and your mom told you the truth?"

"That I'm his daughter"

"Then it's time you know the whole truth"



"Are you doing anything tonight?"

"Stacey wants to go watch a movie then do some shopping, why?"

"There's a Mafia Race tonight, seems like a good place to find out about Jack and the rest"

"Christina can you go with Stacey?"

"Dani friend I love you but you know me and your girlfriend don't get along"

"What do I do?"

"Just tell her your dad called you to join him for a meeting"

"Corbyn!" I turned to look at the front door as one of the guys with Corbyn cane running in.

"What?! Why are you screaming?!"

"Remember...remember you telling me...let me catch my breath..."

"Where have you been?"

"I was at the hospital...flirting with this cute nurse when guess who rushed in..."


"Drew...the one that's with that girl you told me to keep an eye on"


"Yeah her"

"Go on" Daniel said looking at him.

"He was hurt, bullet to the shoulder along with some other of his crew"


"I followed them and heard them talking, turns out they got attacked. He was saying how everyone was able to reach a safe place except Zoe and Jack, seems they left the grid, they don't know where they are"

"Corbyn find out what you can, I'm headed home"

"Daniel she's gone with him"

"I know" I grabbed my things before heading out his house.


"Who was it?!"

"We don't know, whoever's behind this knows who Zoe really is, they made sure to go after them but they didn't get close, the car flipped and fell down the hill"

"What about Jack and Zoe? Anything from them?"

"Jack must have gone off the grid to protect her, as long as no one knows where they are then they should be safe"

I looked at her as she sat on the chair holding onto her chest.

"Are you okay?"


"You should head upstairs and rest, it's not good for you to be worrying like this"

"Demanti how can I not worry when our daughter is in danger, if I only told you the truth then none of this would be happening"

"It's not your fault, you did it in order to protect Zoe and you did a good job"

"Demanti, someone is here to see you" I looked at Jonah and Eben as they walked in.


"I think you should go check it out, we'll be here with her"

"I'll be back" I kissed her on the forehead before walking out to the living room.

"Long time no see"

"What are you doing here?"

"Seems its time we come back together as we once were"

"What do you want?"

"We both know he's out and this was part of his attack and it's only a matter of time before he finishes and comes after us"

"You're scared of him Jeff?"

"I just want my family to be safe like you"

"Dad!" I looked behind him seeing a young man walking towards us.

"Daniel What are you doing here?"

"Daniel? Is this your son, wow he resembles you a lot when we were young"

"You took her! You took Zoe!" He screamed looking at me.

"Daniel what are you talking about?"

"He's the one that has Zoe and now she's missing"


"What a small work we live in, I think we should sit down and talk about this" I said looking at them, who knew our kids would come together.

-ZOE'S P.O.V.-

"What truth?"

"Your father killed my dad and brother, at first I took it upon myself to find him and your family and kill them just how he did to me"

"What?" I looked at him trying to make sense of what he was saying.

"But then everything came down once I realized how I felt towards you...I couldn't be the one to hurt you because I was falling for you"

He turned side ways looking at me. Is he admitting he likes me? I looked at him closely, this can't be, he doesn't like me, he hates me. This has to be a joke right?

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