Chapter 7 I Naughty Girls

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Mallika's Point Of View

Waking up from my sleep because of my irritating alarm, I dismissed it without opening my eyes. It is my every morning story with my alarm clock. It will keep on buzzing and I'll keep on snoozing until I finally wake up. I'm not a morning person but I always wake up early morning earlier because of my school and college and now because of my job. But luckily today was a holiday so I woke up half an hour late. I really thank God for giving me a Saturday-Sunday holiday.

Stretching my arms I opened my eyes and yawned. I felt my both legs on something that felt like someone's legs. Suddenly something soft fell on my nose. My hands reached to remove that something when I realized it was a hand! I turned my face abruptly to see the owner of the hand and signed in relief. It was my cousin's sister.

Then I remembered that more than half of my maternal family members came to my house yesterday night and the rest will be coming today.

Reason? For my engagement. Tomorrow morning is my engagement. It feels nothing about my engagement it's just that... I'm a little scared.

Rubbing my eyes I got up from the mat. I reached for my cupboard while keeping my legs carefully on the floor because all my cousins brothers and sisters were sleeping peacefully. My bed is already at the corner touching the wall which is occupied by my eldest cousin's brother's wife that is my Vahini and their 7-year-old daughter and 4-year-old son. Just Vahini, my niece, and my nephew slept on the bed whereas we all cousins slept on the mat placed on the floor.

Even if I place my foot by mistakenly on my siblings' bodies, still they won't bug from their sleep. Speaking of sleep, no one woke up to off the alarm. That deep sleep we all siblings have. Only the owner of the alarm clock offs the alarm. It's some sort of unsaid rule between us cousins.

Taking my clothes, I threw them near the bathroom door and rushed to the toilet to attend nature's call. After that, I carried my clothes to the bathroom and placed them on the hanger. I brushed my teeth, had a bath, wore my clothes, and came out of the bathroom in 10 minutes. Yes, I don't take a long time to take a bath.

I combed my hair and tied it in a ponytail. Applied lots of powder on my face from which, half of it fell on the floor, and I, just like every day, put my feet on the powder and played scatting-scatting. It's always fun to do that.

I did my morning prayer and read the prayer book. I completed reading it in 30 minutes, and till then a few of my cousins also woke up. Getting up, I went to take the broom to sweep the floor but stopped to do so as our house was filled with our relatives.

It's always so fun when all our family comes together. But this time our family came together to be a part of my new life, of my happiness which... I'm unaware of and it feels so weird.

I went to the kitchen and started making breakfast for all. Till 7:10, the breakfast was ready and almost everyone woke up by now. But the ones to wake up early are my niece and nephew. They woke up at around 5:40! I mean... I really don't understand how these small kids always wake up so early in the morning on their own. If I would have been at their place then I would have slept till afternoon.

I went to my room to find my cousins fighting to get in the bathroom first, a few were brushing their teeth, some of them had their bath while a few of them didn't care at all. Enjoying the sight in front of me, I started having fun with my cousins. And obviously, how can they avoid the most exciting topic... My engagement! Yesterday's teasing was not enough that they again started to tease me early in the morning.

We had our breakfast with lots of chitchats and fun. After that everyone including me, started with the engagement preparation as the engagement is going to take place in our building's terrace. Only relatives of both families are invited to the engagement. I didn't invite my friends. Forget about inviting them, I didn't even inform them about my engagement. Though I don't have a best friend I do have two close friends. They are going to be very angry once they get to know about it.

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