Chapter | Kitabae

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Thanks to all of you for your wishes!☺❤ Your wishes made me really very happy!

I even got chapter dedication as a gift by iam_arpita111 and AnkitaGhosh205🥰😍❣

Busy_Bee18 and iam_arpita111 even put a story for wishing me🙈❣❣

theKiara, missme2294 Khushworld1234 DM me to wish❣❣

Each and every one of you, thank you a lot💜❤

The last chapter I talked about a small surprise, right?

So here is the tiny surprise.
Actually, I was going to post it on 23rd itself, but for some reasons, I could do it. But better late than never😆


"Why? Why are you doing this to me? Why me?" She knew it's useless to ask him but still, she asked. She kept shaking him holding his collar; begging him to answer.

His mischievous eyes turned into rage. His eyes followed her hands which grabbed his collar and then back at her. Anger was a very less word to define the look in his eyes. Fear crept into her. It was the look that made a strong, courageous and brave girl like her weak.

"How dare you!" Came his a calm voice, but she knew it was a clear warning to remove those hands which are holding his collar. Her grip on his collar loosen which made a knowing smirk creep on his face but was soon gone when he stumbled little aback. She pushed him!

"What do you think of yourself, huh? That you will do anything and I will stay quiet?" She won't fear him. Not now, not ever.

"Why are you destroying my life? You ruined everything. You sprayed dark spots on my character. You embarrassed my parents in front of all. You made me go under bars for the crime I never did. You took my most precious thing from me... my med-medical license. You blackmailed me with my friends and family. You snatched my ways of earning for my siblings. You make me separate from my strength... my friends. You made me an evil woman in front of all. That wasn't enough that you... you... you snatched the only thing which I had of mine... my virtue... My dignity... Now, what do you want! What more do you want? You snatched everything from me, I have nothing which you can take. Please leave me alone." Joining her hands, she cried asking for mercy. But mercy is not in his dictionary. At least not for her.

A proud evil smirk played on his lips. With every step he took towards her, her food stepped back on its own. Every cell of her body knew how dangerous he is. His hand grabbed her top by her shoulder before she could fall on the bed which let her shoulder exposed to his cruel eyes. She was now caged in the bed and his arms with his body sticking to hers, too close for her liking. His breath fanning her face making her whole body shivering with fear.

"And you deserved all of it kiddo..." Leaning towards her ear, he whispered in ever so low and husky voice, " fact more."
He raises a hand to caress her cheek but she flings with fear. "Come on Kiddo, don't tell me you are scared now. But I like it. I like that fear in your eyes for me." His cold gaze was increasing her heartbeat to a higher speed due to fear. She feared him.

His one had slipped inside her top on her bare waist while the other holder her shoulder.
"Please... Please don't do that." Eyes tightly closed, she begged.

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