Chapter 20 | He Is A Sweetheart

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Mallika's Point Of View

"Vahini, tu (Vahini, you)?" Nishant asked holding a water bottle in his hand.
"Ho (Yes), Bhauji," I replied with a smile and walked towards the fridge. Nishat and I are of the same age but since Nahush is his elder brother and I am the wife of his elder brother, therefore, I'm his elder sister-in-law and he calls me Vahini. But I can call him by his name.

While opening the fridge I ask, "So girlfriend, huh?" First, he made a confusing face, and later it clicked him and he said shaking his head, "Oh no-yes, hmm... sort of. The girl on the call is sort of my girlfriend."


"So are you committed to her?" I asked and he started laughing. Did I just crack a joke?

"My dear Vahini, I never am serious about girls and they are my girlfriends just for namesake. I don't believe in committed relationships. It's sort of a blind belief that does not exist. They are merely my flings." Nishant said holding my shoulders with a chuckle.

"Yes, flings. You know girls are crazy for me, like to be with me but they are just for my fun. It's never serious and even they know it very well that I'm a..." he leaned forward towards my ear and whispered, "Playboy." At that time I felt like I was hearing my Kai (EXO's member) saying it just like their song 'Playboy'.

My dreaminess broke when suddenly Nishant asked about the mark on my face. I completely forgot about the monstrous behavior of my husband which is now seen on my face. I said it was nothing and was about to leave the kitchen when Nishant grabbed my wrist and asked, "Vahini it's so red. It's almost turning purple. Don't you dare to say it nothing. Please tell me Vahini, what happened?" he pleaded, Worry was visible on his face and I broke down shedding tears which I was controlling from a very long time. "Please don't cry, Vahini. Did you tell Dada about this?" He asked and I gave a sad smile and said, "It's your dada who did it."

"What! You mean to say my Dada beat you?" he asked, making an unbelievable face and I just nodded.

"What are you saying, Vahini? I know my Dada is short-tempered he is a very good human being. If someone is wrong he'll make that person understand or max to the max he'll scold them but he will never raise his hand on anyone. At least not on a girl."

Means I'm an exception.

"He's a sweetheart Vahini." Nishant completed his sentence making me laugh with pain. He's a very good man for everyone. His brother respects him. I told him it was his brother who beat me but he's not believing me. And he'll never believe it. Said my mind.

"Yes, he's a very good man." Saying so I left from there. He called me but I didn't stop and went to my room. No one will believe me. In all this, I didn't eat my food and didn't even take ice cubes and this pain on my cheek is killing me.

I reached my room to find Nahush already sleeping on the side of the bed.
Even he must not have his food. Should I wake him up and give him dinner?

No, just forget it. You are worried about that person who just beat you! He doesn't deserve your care. My mind said and I took a mat and laid it on the floor. Took a pillow and a blanket and slept on my right-hand side as my left side cheek was paining a lot. I won't sleep on the same bed as him. Never!

Wow, Malli! Congratulations you got an abusive husband. What did I ever do to you, Nahush? How could you raise your hand at me? But I won't stay here bearing all your tortures. I'll go from here. Thinking so I kept crying until I went into my night dreams.

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