Chapter I

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"Clara I'm not interested, whats the point of going to the summer festival", sighed Charles.

"Oh, you will love it. There's food, games, stalls.......and its all about relaxing, come on Charles you will like it. I promise you that", Clara said in a happy tone.

Clara is my college and neighbor friend. We were always together, always. My best friend Max, Clara and me, we did everything together. We shared all our secrets, did school work together, you get the picture.

It was perfect, so perfect that I thought our kids would be friends as well but that dream shattered when Max died in the accident.

After his death I lost interest in everything. I couldn't eat, sleep or even leave my room. It took me six months to recover from that nightmare.

"Come on lets go", Clara had started pulling on my arm now.

" ok ok", i said getting up. "Let me get my wallet first". I went upto my room grabbed my cellphone and wallet.

I came back down in a record time of 5 mins, then we were off to see the summer festival.

We took the bus. We didn't talk much i had my headphones in and was listening to my favourite song. While statring outsidethe window.


We arrived there in 15 mins, the festival was in the heart of city, lots of people were gathered here. All different ages, young and old.

Clara went upto one of the rides dragging me along with her even when I said no she kept on insisting. A couple of rides more and I was dobe I felt like I was about to throw up my breakfast.

"Oh look Charles a future prediction stall, I wanna know my love life", she said with excitement.

"I don't know, there always fake. Plus I don't believe them", I said scratching the back of my head. Unsure whether its a good idea or not. I didn't need to think for long before I saw Clara already entering it.

The stall was decorated with a buntings, beads, and luminous little lights, the top of the stall had 3 tarot cards the size of a plain cardboard box, and in the middle of them was huge golden sun. Clara had already walked inside.

"Great", I muttered to myself. I followed her inside it was plain looking stall just like any other except it was dimly lit with yellow, purple and white lights which was the main theme of the festival I couldn't see anyother furniture except for a table and in the center of it tarot cards were spread out evenly. On the other end sat an old lady.

Her hairs were white her clothes were like those of gypsies, she had a bandana tying her hair and around her waist. She wore many rings. I was already getting annoyed.

When Clara asked her about "what can you see about my future, when will I find my love,  what age would I be married....", her train of questions kept going on and on.

I can't believe this girl could ever get tired of talking, I was about to stop her. When the gypsy raised her hand and softly placed it on her cheek very slowly she let it travel across her temple and then to the other side of her face.

She spoke in a calm voice "Your future holds many things, your impatience makes you blind to see what you already have, I see pain of losing a loved one but I also see great adventure and love in your life", she paused placing her hand on Clara's she spoke again.

"you will find things you only read in books. Your destiny tells me your going to travel far and wide but there is danger. Remember child your most precious gift is the skill of words use it wisely and it will save you in many places".

I wasn't impressed to say the least. This is all so predictable and pointless. I was about to leave when the woman spoke to me.

"Come here boy, I sense something odd about you", she held her hand out towards me. I was unsure what to do when Clara pushed me forward with her hand.

The old lady touched my hands softly, she was calm her eyes closed, till she abruptly stood from her chair and pulled her hands to her chest, fear was evident in her eyes. Trying to control herself she gripped the chair firmly and spoke.

"You, what have you done boy....."

..... To be continued

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