Chapter Four - 99.987%

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Maria's work was extensive and thought out. Her research upon Thanos and his army was beyond impeccable. She knew the warlord inside and out. But more importantly she had thought her plan through, had even started trying to form a GPS for the Quantum Realm but had never completed it. Tony studied the designs carefully; he could see where Maria had been trying to go but clearly she had had little success. Tony knew that any scientist would be able to complete this work given the time - many years for most. But Tony wanted to perfect it as soon as possible because if he could, if he could iron out every kink and correct every flaw then he could get Maria and Peter back faster. And he was Tony Stark what took others years would take him less than a night.

His computer was up and running through different simulations he had begun to run through as he tried to figure this out. He had tried various ideas but they had all reached unsatisfactory percentages of success - he had to get as close to perfect as possible and 60% was nowhere near. Tony was anxiously stood awaiting once more for FRIDAY to run his latest simulation of an inverted Mobius strip. He just had to get it right.

"Model rendered" FRIDAY's Irish accent hit Tony's ear but did little else to stop his nerves. It took mere seconds for the model to stop moving and for the simulation to be complete. The results appeared upon the holograph as clear as day.


Tony's face dropped in utter shock. It couldn't be possible. In utter bewilderment, Tony fell down into the chair he had pulled up to his desk earlier. Though he was arrogant and had been telling himself he was going to figure this out simply, there was a part of him that had thought it just couldn't be done. But there, right in front of him, was proof it could be.

"Shit!" Tony exclaimed in excited disbelief, throwing his arms out to the sides. The model was as close to 100% successful as he was going to get it. It was well within the limits of safety ... he had done it!

"Shit?" a young voice repeated innocently From behind him. Tony frowned as he span around in his chair to find none other than his four-year daughter sitting upon the stairs watching him.

"What are you doing up, little miss?" Tony whispered; it was way passed her bedtime but much like any other Stark her curiosity got the better of her.

"Shit" Morgan replied with a small smile oblivious to the connotations of the word.

"No, we don't say that" Tony said pointedly, his tone strong and authoritative. "Only Mommy says that word. She coined it; it belongs to her." Morgan could only giggle at her father's words.

"Why you up?" she asked, the hologram confusing for her young brain to understand.

"Cause I got some important shit going on here" Tony answered gesturing to the holograph. Morgan immediately frowned at his use of the word - he had said after all that they couldn't use the word. "What do you think? No, I-I got something on my mind. I got something on my mind." More like two young teenagers on his mind whom he had a chance, a real chance, of saving.

"Was it Juice Pops?" Morgan asked her innocence bringing a smile to Tony's face. It had been a long time since his mind was occupied by Juice Pops.

"Sure was" Tony said with a smile, bringing Morgan to return it. "That's extortion. That's a word." Tony got to his feet and quickly made his way to Morgan's side. He held out his much larger hand to Morgan who took it without question. "What kind do you want? Great minds think alike. Juice Pops, exactly was on ... my mind." Tony lead Morgan towards the kitchen, towards the Juice Pops, whilst behind him the greatest discovery of our time sat hovering above a table. Time travel.

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