Chapter Nine - "Who's Gonna Snap Their Freaking Fingers?"

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They had the stones, each one in its solidified state and just had to place them into their gauntlet. Tony had fashioned a right-handed gauntlet out of the same material his suit was made out of with nanotech to allow for it to expand or shrink depending upon who would wear the device - it resembled that of an Iron Man glove. With the gauntlet and the stones ready, all they had to do was assemble the Infinity Gauntlet, place the stones within the back of the gauntlet - a stone to sit at each knuckle and one on middle of the back of the hand. It sounded simple; the nanotech would create the slots in the glove as well as creating surrounding casing for the stones so that they were sealed in place ... but it just wasn't that easy. No one knew what would happen when the stones were put inside the gauntlet. Would the power of the stones activate and fire the gauntlet? Would the stones activate and send out a pulse of power? Would they do nothing at all?

Some many unanswered questions that they just couldn't answer until they actually did it. Whilst the Avengers were gathered in the lounge nervously awaiting the news of the completion of the gauntlet, Rocket, Bruce and Tony were in the lab facing the task head on.

Tony had placed the gauntlet inside a computerised containment along with each of the stones, however he made sure they were all apart from one another. The computerised containment unit would hopefully prevent any explosions destroying the Compound but it also allowed Tony to insert the stones without having to touch the stones, gauntlet or be within a metre of the device. Thanks to his own technology, Tony would be controlling six different metallic piercer arms that would each pick up a stone and place it into the gauntlet.

Rocket stood on Tony's right whilst Bruce stood on his left studying the readings of the containment unit. It was scanning for anything and everything from radiation levels to the warmth of the glove. They didn't know what they were dealing with so they were being as careful as possible. Wearing the registering technology on his right hand, Tony carefully lifted his fingers and gestured for each piercer to pick up a stone, one at a time. The metal inside the containment unit immediately began to work upon Tony's command, the cold metal clasping around the rough shapes that the stones had taken.

Tony took a shaky breath as the arms moved the stones away from their pedestals that they had been placed on in the unit. They had a tight grasp and the stones didn't seem to be reacting to the moving motions. Bruce encouraged Tony to keep going with the readings being well within range. Rubbing his face with his spare hand, Tony readied himself for this part of the experiment. This had to work, the glove had to be able to hold the stones but would the stones stay stable?

Three pairs of eyes locked on the unit unwaveringly. Despite Tony's and Rocket's usual bravado the pair were clearly anxious and nervous as was Bruce though this fact was not unusual - anything Tony ever did made Bruce nervous. Slowly but surely Tony commanded the movement of the metal arms and the glove began to reveal the six slots Tony had created to carry the stones. Eventually the stones were within reaching distant of the glove. With one more gentle nudge forward, the arms placed the stones into position and released the powerful gems. They all held their breaths as the stones shifted into position and the glove's mechanics took a hold of them, securing them in place.

The green Time Stone glowed on the thumb; the purple Power Stone, blue Space Stone, red Reality Stone, and orange Soul Stone each rested upon a knuckle of the glove; whilst the yellow Mind Stone took centre stage on the back of the glove. The stones glowed brightly, connecting together within the device.


Tony and Bruce jumped considerably at the sudden noise whilst Rocket chuckled mischievously beside them. After seeing the device work, Rocket thought it was apt to scare the crap out of the humans. Much to Tony's and Bruce's annoyance. Bruce groaned whilst the billionaire turned to the raccoon and began to size him up, fighting every urge he had to strangle the creature.

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