Chapter Thirteen - Battle of Earth: A Hero's Job

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Maw had not only gotten a hold of the gauntlet using his telepathy, he had also used the same trick on Black Panther. The King of Wakanda was surrounded by rocks that were being tightened around his legs and abdomen. Maw had every intention of squeezing the life out of the Black Panther as well as retrieving the gauntlet for his master. It was a fate Maria could not allow to happen.

With a new goal, Maria turned away from Thanos and charged towards T'Challa, the gauntlet and Maw. Maria's eyes began to glow completely golden orange. As she ran Maria began building her strength up by connecting with the souls from the Soul Realm, she took on their physical strengths. Each soul she connected to caused her feet to move faster and push her further – she quickly closed the ground between herself and her goal. Once she was close enough, the young teen used the strength of the fallen to jump into the air way beyond what she could normally. She pulled back her fist and flew towards Maw with the push of her jump. Maw's back was turned to her and he had no idea she was coming.

Once she was close enough, Maria threw her fist forward, throwing the combined power of the souls at the alien telepath. The moment it made contact Maw's back a cry of pain ran out and the alien was thrown across the skies before he crashed into the ground. His power immediately dropping, releasing the rocks that had lifted the gauntlet into the air and began to crush Black Panther.

"I got it!" Peter's voice rang out just as Maria had hit Maw. His webbing having saved the gauntlet from the rocks. The baton passing to the teenager who now had the job of getting it to the van that was not so far anymore.

Meanwhile, Maria landed on the ground perfectly beside the two piles of rocks, her knees bending to take the fall. She released the fallen souls returning to her own natural strength and ability. Her eyes settled down as she looked towards T'Challa who was holding his ribs as he took in some much needed breathes. The king nodded in gratitude at the teenager before she returned her gaze to the alien who was several metres ahead of her, climbing out of the ditch she had punched him into. The alien was stronger than he looked.

But he now also looked pissed off.

With a loud growl the alien suddenly lifted his hands into the air and with it lifted large mounds of earth, metal, even dead bodies and hurdled them towards Maria with such anger. With a gasp, Maria swiftly made her entire body intangible and stood her ground as each of the objects flew towards her. They all crashed into the ground around her feet, flying through her transparent body that was a mere orange outline.

As the smoke from the attack cleared, Maria solidified herself once more and locked eyes with Maw. She couldn't help the smirk that appeared on her face as Maw stared at her in annoyed shock.

The pair quickly fell into a battle of powers, Maw using his telekinesis perfectly however still being counterattacked by Maria's own Soul powers. Everyone avoided the pair fighting, creatures running around the two colliding super-powers. It wasn't long before they both were highly frustrated with their attacks being deflected and having to deflect attacks. At one point both froze staring at one another across their battlefield, Maria's chest heaving as she took deep breaths. Their fight was getting tiresome. Maria could practically see the cogs turning inside his head.

With an audible growl, Maw suddenly lifted the ground under Maria's feet up into the sky, metres into the air. Maria couldn't fathom why Maw had done such a thing until the alien shattered the ground beneath her and let her freefall. The young teen's eyes widened greatly as she figured out her predicament was bleak. None of her powers could stop her from hitting the ground and her thrusters were not working!

"Shit!" Maria groaned as she slammed into the ground, her suit thankfully taking most of the impact and shock. She had to stop him quickly.

"Activate Instant Kill!" Peter's command was heard over the communication lines, worrying Maria to no end. Why was he needing Instant Kill? Of course, KAREN who was stretched across both Maria and Peter's suit fulfilled the command. The Iron Spider suit he was wearing immediately activated its legs which sharp points became deadly weapons, striking at the hearts of the monsters that came within reaching distance of Peter and the gauntlet. It was an order that Maria herself was going to have to follow in to survive.

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