Chapter Nineteen - Proof That Tony Stark Has A Heart

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The sky was clear of darkness but there was no sunshine to be seen. It was a simple and lifeless sky. It seemed apt for what was to happen today. Maria had dreaded this day for the last few days.

Ever since she spoke with Mr Delmar, Maria had thrown herself into helping those who had been displaced. Because of the five year jump there was a lot of displaced people. Many people had suddenly returned to no jobs as they had been filled by other people, no homes as they had been rented/sold, and none of their personal belongings. Thankfully, the world had decided to fill storage spaces with people's personal belongings which meant that those who had disappeared had not lost everything ... they just had to figure out what to do with all the stuff. Maria had quickly discovered the list of those who had disappeared to dust five years ago and had had KAREN make a list of all those who were still alive after the battle but had now been displaced. From there Maria had spoken to her mother and they had began to make plans on how they were going to get the displaced back on their feet with it being through charities or speaking with governments. It was certainly a welcome distraction and a necessary one - for both herself and those displaced.

However, the distraction did not stop this day coming. Maria had woken this morning with her heart in her mouth and her mouth as dry as sandpaper. Today was the funeral, today was her last goodbye to her father.

Raising from her bed, Maria decided to have some food for breakfast knowing she needed something in her stomach despite her lack of desire for substance. Maria had silently moved around the house going through the routine of getting herself ready. She didn't want to talk to anyone or see anyone. However, as Maria walked passed her mother's room she heard a heartbreaking sound. Someone was crying.

Creeping closer, Maria saw that the door to the room was only pushed to, there was a small gap between the door and the frame. Maria narrowed her eyes as she looked through the slim gap only to be met with a painful sight. Her mother was sat on the edge of her bed staring down at a photograph of Tony, in her other hand lay his first arc reactor. Tears were streaming down Pepper's face as she looked over the items in grief. Maria couldn't imagine the pain her mother was feeling to have the man you loved ripped from your life and having to live with that.

Maria felt twin tears escape her own eyes and rush down her cheeks as she watched her mother cling the items to her chest as she struggled to keep the tears back. Pepper's hand moved to cover her mouth after carefully placing the arc reactor down. She was trying so hard to stay silent.

It was in that moment that Maria realised what her mother had been doing all along, suffering in silence.

Maria sighed as she took a step back from the door, her feet moving soundlessly. Pepper had been the anchor for her family whilst she was broken inside; she had been the rock not showing how much it hurt her. But this day was going to hurt like never before and Maria knew she had to protect her family as best as she could even in the smallest of ways. Maria nodded her head as a plan formed, her mother needed the time today not herself.

Instead of heading back to her own room, Maria moved towards Morgan's which lay a little short from her back of the house room. She knew she had to help her sister get ready. It was one less issue for her mother.

Maria quickly entered her sister's room. It was a beautiful room, Maria had always thought for her sister. Just right for a girl of great imagination. Looking towards the bed she found Morgan fast asleep, her eyelashes against her cheeks as she dozed in a perfectly calm sleep. Maria hated the fact she was going to have to destroy her peaceful dreams.

Turning away from Morgan, Maria moved towards her younger sister's wardrobe where she knew Pepper had hung up Morgan's black dress. It was a simple plain dress with a white collar and Maria found it swiftly enough. Carefully she hung the dress up on top of the wardrobe before she pulled free a pair of Morgan's black shoes. An outfit for a funeral.

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