Chapter Seven - The When, The Where, The Who

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Though Tony had mocked the name at first, the operation had become known as Time Heist and it was so much closer to becoming a reality. With the Quantum Tunnel complete and operational along with the Time-Space GPSs and the Timesuits they were practically prepared for the journey but they just had one last major hurdle to get over.

The team had gathered in one of the many meeting rooms of the Compound. The seats were filled, people were leaning against the walls of the room or just wandering around, however, everyone was staring at the four transparent, holographic screens that lined one of the walls. Tony had pulled up the computer to show everyone what was going on and what they knew. At the moment an image of each of the stones was being shown. Six stones, and they had to find them all. With everyone gathered they could start, Steve addressing them all.

"Okay, so the 'how' works. Now we gotta figure out the when and the where."

"We're getting there, pumpkin" Tony muttered to himself quietly as he thought about Maria, it was coming together. They slowly but surely were putting Maria's plan into action. "We're getting there."

"Almost everyone in this room has had an encounter with at least one of the six Infinity Stones" Steve continued before Tony interrupted with a hard truth.

"Or substitute the word 'encounter' for 'damn near been killed' by one of the six infinity stones." They all heard the unintentional hidden meaning in his words - they were lucky.

"Well I haven't but I don't even know what the hell you are all talking about" Scott said from his chair, lifting his hand to single himself out. Tony looked towards the Ant-Man. He had completely forgot that Scott had no idea what had happened. He had been inside the Quantum Realm for five years (well, five hours for him), he was unaware of Thanos, the Stones, the War. He came back to a very different world. And Tony couldn't have been more grateful that he had come back - if it wasn't for him, this plan would never have been discovered.

"Regardless" Bruce started catching everyone's attention including Tony's. "We only have enough Pym Particles for one round-trip each and these stones have been in a lot of different places throughout history." That was the unfortunate truth, they were limited by the amount of Pym Particles they had. Unless they could find some more in the past, this was all they had so they had to form a plan with what they had.

"Our history" Tony pointed out, they had to know where the stones were for certain there could be no guessing on their part. If the Stones were on earth they had to know where exactly on earth - they didn't have the time to search for them. "So, not a lot of convenient spots to just drop in, yeah?"

"Which means we have to pick our targets" Clint added as Tony passed by him with his coffee cup in his hand.

"Correct" Tony pointed out before he held his hand out over the table and everyone gasped as the table changed into a holographic screen filled to the brim with information, files upon files open. "Lucky for us my daughter is a bloody genius who was able to discover their locations for the last hundred years." Pulling his hand up, six lists appeared to them all. Tony looked around the room to find all of the Avengers' faces dropped open in shock and awe. Steve stepped forward to study the lists before he looked towards Tony and chuckled in disbelief. "That flash drive had more information than you thought."

"How did she do this? How did she know?" Natasha asked in shock from her chair. All this information, it must have taken months to gather and yet she had managed to do just that. Everyone was shocked by the revelation.

"Someone told her, from what I can gather, she was given instructions to do research" Tony explained as he crossed his arms over as much as he could with a coffee in his hand. The warm liquid soothed his dry throat as he looked towards Bruce who had stepped up to the table.

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