Chapter Ten - Lessons To Be Learnt

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Soul Realm

Maria groaned in absolute annoyance as she slammed her fist against the ground. Once more she had ended up on her back with a long blade against her throat. The Keeper had not lied, Maria was certainly learning how to use her powers ... well trying.

Maria had not learnt one single power; the Keeper was an awful teacher.

"Okay this is severely unfair; she has a weapon!" Maria complained gesturing to the weapon that was still firmly pointed at her. Once the Keeper had informed her that she had powers to discover a person Maria did not know well (only from her research) materialised in front of her. A green-skinned assassin Maria knew as Gamora, the daughter of Thanos (his favourite). Maria's last conversation with Thanos had revealed that he had killed Gamora to gain the Soul Stone. So, it was simple enough to realise why she was in the Soul Realm. However, Maria was also aware of Gamora's record. She was a highly trained killing machine and the Keeper had thrown her in the ring with her, so to speak.

Maria had no proper training, she knew basic fighting, a couple of tricks here and there (courtesy of Auntie Nat) but beyond that she didn't really know how to fight all that well. It was very much an amateur up against a professional. Maria could even tell that Gamora was barely trying and she was easily pinning Maria down. They had been at this fighting for hours it seemed and had gotten nowhere.

"She has her weapon and you have yours" the Keeper answered her, hovering to the left of the pair watching carefully. Maria turned her sharp gaze onto the Keeper, as much as she wanted to knock the seven bells out of him, she knew he was more of an evaporation than anything else and her energy would be wasted.

"What weapon?! I have no weapon!" Maria shouted back as Gamora retracted her blade and stepped back, giving Maria the space to sit back up. Quickly and silently, Gamora offered her hand to Maria who gratefully took it. She was feeling the beating she was receiving.

"You are Soul" the Keeper repeated, it's all he kept repeating.

"What is that meant to mean?" Maria asked through gritted teeth. Her hands curled into fists beside her.

"If you don't want to get hurt then don't get hurt" the Keeper answered unhelpfully. Maria had no idea what he was trying to get at. She fell back into a fighting stance once more and faced Gamora who held her blade perfectly in the palm of her hand, not a tight grip but a loose hold. Maria knew it was not going to end well.


Minutes turned into hours which turned into days, weeks and months. Well that is what it felt like to Maria but considering the Soul Realm was outside of time she had no idea how long it had been. All she knew was that her fighting had massively improved, when it came to actual fighting, she was on par with Gamora the only thing she lacked was the wisdom one gained from years of experience. Each time they faced one another it was unclear who would win, Gamora had pinned Maria but Maria had also started to pin Gamora, stealing and using her own blade against her.

With no need to drink or eat or sleep, their training had been endless. However, the Keeper had not been impressed for Maria had not learnt one single power she possessed. The Keeper had to change that fact.

Whilst Maria and Gamora were fighting once more, the Keeper moved in behind Maria signalling for Gamora to make her move. Maria had no idea what was coming. Quite suddenly she was kicked backwards straight into the hands of the Keeper. His grip was tight, immobilising, there was nothing Maria could do to get out of his grasp.

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