Chapter Eighteen - A New Reality

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It had been a week since the snap, since the Battle of Earth and the world was still in chaos. It was trying to move on but was struggling all the same. There was of course joy radiating across the global for those who had returned as well as despair for those who had died.

Maria had given her press conference and disappeared once more. The world had the truth and there was little more to be said. Though with everything she faced, with Morgan's sadness and lack of understanding that no matter how much she calls for her father he won't come, Maria often left the lake house. She was aware that her mam, Pepper, had a lot to deal with from funeral arrangements to Stark Industries and what was to happen with that - after all large shares had been left to each of the remaining Starks, Maria included with her holding one of the highest shares equalling her mother. Once Maria was eighteen she had full control over those shares but she had a few months to wait for that yet and frankly Maria wasn't interested in those moments. Her grief was all consuming at times and so Maria knew to not burden others with her guilt and grief she left the lake house to walk around New York. Of course, the young Stark was being loosely followed by a particular bodyguard but Maria paid him no attention. She knew he needed to follow her as much for his job as his sanity - after all he had lost her too for five years.

Rain pelleted down from the grey skies. Each drop of water bounced off the ground with force. Maria held her black umbrella tightly and kept herself as inconspicuous as possible, not flashing her wealth and striding with pride. She kept her head low and often her eyes downcast. Her leather ankle boots splashed in every puddle as she walked by, weaving her way through the few who dared brave the weather. Her black jeans and dark red checkered top under her black jacket kept her appearance subtle, allowing for no one to be interested in her.

As Maria walked around the streets, she found herself peering into nearby restaurants and shops, cafes and delis to see the crowds of people. They were all smiling, bright thankful smiles, worryless, content, happy...

Maria stopped in her tracks and looked into a restaurant's window. She couldn't tell you the name of the restaurant for that was unimportant. Through the glass, she watched as the consumers were laughing and talking, many shaking their hair and clothes complaining at the rain that they had gotten caught in but there wasn't a single person who looked out of place. People were still bathing in the joys of having their loved ones back.

Maria's eyes suddenly locked onto a family of four. The mother, father, teenage son and daughter who looked no older then eight sat enjoying their meal. The mother's long ginger straight hair whirled around as she turned to look at her husband, laughing at whatever he had said, however, her hand rested upon her daughter's hand, gently but firmly holding it. Maria could see it in every hand held and locked gazes, those who had stayed on earth were clinging onto their loved ones always ensuring they were still there. All of them happy but with fear lingering in their actions, people were still waiting for it all to be a dream. This mother was terrified her daughter was to disappear, the child's other family members who kept looking back at the child every so often as well held that same fear.

Sighing, Maria turned away from the sight. Happiness hiding fear was the new norm for many then there was Maria who sat in the same boat as many others in where they had lost a loved one in the war and were trying to keep on living despite the pain. But it was certainly something that was easier said then done.


Wandering around, Maria found herself making her way towards Midtown High. She wasn't exactly sure why she was walking towards school but it was where her feet were taking her. Over the last week a snap decision had been made in relation to schools. For the next month school was an optional endeavour for all students current and returned from dust. Many students had come back leading to a backlog of administration issues and social issues and just general confusion. No one was sure what was to be done. But many students still wanted to attend school to see their friends and returned loved ones. Maria was aware that Midtown was bringing the returned students back and putting them in groups with those who were from their year and were dusted - this meant Peter, Ned, Michelle and Maria were all in the same bubble but Maria had chosen to not attend school as of yet.

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