Chapter Twelve - Battle of Earth: Reunions On The Battlefield

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A chorus of battle cries ran out as the Avengers' Army charged across the uneven, dirt battlefield before them. Weapons were raised, charged, aimed as the hordes ran towards their fates head on. They would not lose this time. Maria took to the skies with her father flying straight for the army, her eyes locked on her enemy.

Thanos stood watching the army charging before slowly, almost leisurely, he lifted his double-bladed sword up and aimed it at the Avengers' Army. The gentle command caused a tidal wave of motion. Thanos' army was no longer held back. The pack of wild wolves tore through the battlefield towards the Avengers' Army. Creatures of all sizes raced across the land towards them all.

It did not take long for the two forces to collide in a brutal fashion. Shouts of anger and pain, human and inhuman, echoed across the battlefield as the two sides fought. Everywhere you looked there was something happening, enemies fighting. Claws, teeth, guns, blasters, bombs, repulsors, weapons of all sorts were being set off and used effectively. And Maria was in the middle of it.

Maria decided that being in the air was marginally safer than on the ground. She was able to attack large amounts of the enemies from her position above, she only just had to avoid the handful of enemies that were in the air. Whilst she was flying around pulling souls out of enemy bodies, Maria had had KAREN connect the Avengers to the same network to allow them to communicate between one another - something the AI was able to do easily with the help of FRIDAY from her father's suit. Knowing she had the connection Maria couldn't help but think about Shuri, the woman who had made everything possible for her.

"Hey, Shuri" Maria called out, her words reaching the Wakandan on the ground.

"Yes Marie?" Shuri answered. Maria smiled as she felt her suit building up energy from the attacks it was taking and protecting her from. Noticing the build-up, Maria scanned the crowd below her, picking her targets, maria flew to the ground before she turned off her thrusters and allowed herself to start free-falling. She slammed into the ground, her fist punching the ground perfectly, redistributing the energy her suit had gathered into the ground as a shockwave which took out the enemies in her vicinity.

"I fucking love the upgrades" Maria laughed as she stood back up and looked at the fallen enemies around her. Just before Maria took back off into the air, she heard Shuri laughing at her words. Maria was not going to be giving back the suit that was for sure.


Tony was once more gobsmacked upon the field of battle. One minute he was fighting the enemy and the next he was on his back about to be pummelled by Obsidian of the Black Order only to be saved by none other than Peter Parker. He had fought so hard to return his daughter and, let's face it, his son. And finally, there the boy was before him, alive and saving him - always the hero. Peter had immediately helped Tony up and had begun rambling as usual, almost bringing Tony to tears again, he thought he would never hear the Spiderling do it again.

"Do you remember when we were in space? And I got all dusty? I must've passed out, cause I woke up, and you were gone." Tony couldn't stop the smile of relief and joy spreading across his face as Peter became more animated using his arms to express his words. "But Doctor Strange was there, right? He was like, 'It's been five years. Come on, they need us!' And then he started doing the yellow sparkly thing that he does all the time..."

"Come here" Tony muttered as he stepped closer to the boy and wrapped his arms around the kid who was momentarily confused.

"What? What are you doing?" Peter asked as he returned the hug. Peter couldn't remember the last time he had been hugged by a fatherly figure; the seventeen-year-old quickly tightened his grip as Tony returned the gesture. Tony silently began thanking every god he had ever heard of for Peter's safe return, the boy's life was not going to be robbed from him. "Oh. Oh, this is nice." Tony couldn't help but chuckle at Peter's words, yet neither let go.

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