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♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤Tony keeps walking further the secret room he discovered what he didn't know was that Wanda was there

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Tony keeps walking further the secret room he discovered what he didn't know was that Wanda was there."Guys, I got Strucker"Steve says in Tony's earpiece."Yeah, I got something bigger"Tony says while looking around which gave him chills."Thor, I got eyes on the prize"Tony saya while looking at the scepter but Wanda goes behind him and goes into his mind.Tony sees his dead team.Meanwhile while Steve was walking around the hydra base he didn't notice the re headed girl behind him.Natalia ran up to him and kicked him in the back knocking him over.Steve lays in the ground and groans while standing up.She goes for a punch but he grabs her hand.She kicks him in the side which makes her hand free and punches him.She wraps her legs in his neck and twists herself around him knocking him over.She then grabs her gun out and then he knocks her down and the gun and both of them get up."We have a hydra assassin here and she looks like you and fights like you Natasha"Steve says.He goes and kicks her in the side and then he tries to grab her hand but she gets his hands and twists it and then kicks him in the back of his legs making him fall.She then walks up to him but then Steve grabs her by the waist and flips her but she quickly gets up."I don't know who you are but you seem young"Steve says and Natalia shakes her head."Why do you care"Natalia says with her accent."You seem to look young how old are you"Steve asks and Natalia takes her knife out."I'm 14 but less talking because right now I'm going to kill you"Natalia says but then she gets knocked out.Tony then stops hallucinating and then comes back to reality.He then gets his iron man flub and gets the scepter.In the dark Wanda and Pietro are looking at him"We're just gonna let him take it?"Pietro asks and Wanda has a sinister smile.Wanda then expects Natalia by her side but she dosen't see her so she looks at her brother with wide eyes."Where is Natalia"Wanda asks Pietro and they both look at each other with wide eyes.

"Where is Natalia"Wanda asks Pietro and they both look at each other with wide eyes

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The avengers are all in the quinjet.They all asked why Steve brought a young red headed girl who tried to kill him but he shrugged the answer.Natalia was still knocked out and with her suit on.When Steve was carrying her he litteraly noticed she looked like Natasha and with the suit she wore they looked so similar."Hey, the lullaby worked better than ever"Natasha told Bruce while sitting in front of him."Just wasn't expecting a code green"Bruce said."You hadn't been there, there would've been double the casualties,My best friend would've been a treasured memory"Natasha says trying to lighten the mood."You know, sometimes exactly what I want to hear isn't exactly what I want to hear"Bruce says while shaking his head."How long before you trust me?"Natasha said looking at him in the eyes."It's not you I don't trust"Bruce said and Natasha smiles while shaking her head."Thor, report on the Hulk"Natasha says making Bruce's eyes go wide."The gates of Hel are filled with the screams of his victims"Thor says while smiling and Natasha looks at him in shock and Bruce groans." But not the screams of the dead, of course. No, no, wounded screams. Mainly whimpering, a great deal of complaining and tales of sprained deltoids and gout"Thor says trying to make him feel better."Hey, Banner, Dr. Cho is on her way in from Seoul. Is it okay if she sets up in your lab?"Tony asks."Yeah, she knows her way around"Bruce says."Thanks Tell her to prep everything,Barton's gonna need the full treatment"Tony says."Very good, sir"Jarvis says and Tony nods."Jarvis, take the wheel"Tony says and his chair leaves the wheel."Yes, sir"Jarvis says."Approach vector is locked"Jarvis says."Feels good, yeah? I mean, you've been after this thing since S.H.I.E.L.D. collapsed. Not that I haven't enjoyed our little raiding parties but"Tony says while staring at the scepter with Steve and Thor."No, but this..This brings it to a close"Thor says."As soon as we find out what else this has been used for. I don't just mean weapons,Since when is Strucker capable of human enhancement?"Steve says."Banner and I will give it the once over before it goes back to Asgard. Is that cool with you?"Tony says asking Thor and Thor nods."Just a few days till the farewell party,You're staying, right?"Tony says and Thor nods."Yes, yes, of course. A victory should be honored with revels"Thor says and Tony nods."Yeah, who doesn't love revels? Captain?"Tony says while turning to Steve."Hopefully this puts an end to the Chitauri and Hydra"Steve sayd while looking at the scepter,So, yes, revels"Steve says."Also why did you bring that girl"Natasha says gaining everyones attention to Steve."Well she is 14 and I wanted to ask her what she was doing there,I want to know who she is"Steve says."Weird"Tony says."Jarvis make a face recognition scan on the girl"Bruce says.All the Avengers gather around the computer to see her identity."Hey she looks like Lady Natasha"Thor says."Full Scan Recognition"Jarvis says and Natalia's information pops up."Her name is Natalia Romanoff..Romanoff,Natasha do you have a sister?"Clint asks and Natasha's eyes widen."I used to but she died while I escaped the agency,this can't be"Natasha says while looking at the girls picture."Natalia Romanoff is 14 years old she was born in Stalingrad,Russia but is now Volgograd,Russia.She was trained in the same agency Natadha was in and she was also trained in the red room,later hydra captured her and trained her to be the best assassin in the world"Jarvis says and Natasha looks down with a sad smile."I have my sister back"Natasha says and a groan catches everyone's attention.

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