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♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤They all go running to the room they put the young red head

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They all go running to the room they put the young red head.Natalia groans and gets up rubbing her eyes.Then her eyes go wide when she remember everything that happend and she quickly gets up in defence mode."Hey,hey calm down we are not here to hurt you"Natasha says that and Natalia recognizes her as black widow and she see all the Avengers."Where am I?Where is Pietro and Wanda?"Natalia asks and they all look at Natalia confused."Your in the quinjet and we don't know who they are so calm down little mermaid"Tony says and she looks at him confused."Right now is not a good time for nicknames Tony"Steve says."Why should I trust you?"Natalia asks and Natasha takes a step towards her."Because we are family"Black widow says and Natalia shakes her head."I don't have a family the only one I have is Pietro and Wanda so where are they?"She asks."Look Natalia My name is Natasha Romanoff and I am your sister"The women named Natasha says and Natalia looks at her confused."What?"She asks confused putting her guard down."Can you guys give us some time to talk alone"Natasha asks the boys and they nod.They all leave except for Thor who looks at them with a smile."Thor?What are you still doing here"Natasha asks."What do you mean Lady Natasha in giving you time"Thor says with a smile."Uhmm..I mean can you leave us so we could talk alone"Natasha says and Thor quickly understands and leaves.Natasha and Natalia sit down and Natasha clears her throat."Uhmm where do I start?"Natasha says and Natalia looks at her."From the beginning"Natalia says and Natasha looks at her and sees the resemblance they both have and she smiles."Well when we were both little they kidnapped us both,they took us to this thing called the 'Black widow ops' program,they trained us in something called the red room..so they would trained us to be assassin's,when I found out we planned to leave but somehow they got to you first and supposedly killed you,I was heartbroken when I found out because I thought I lost you and I will never see you again,until right now we looked up your identity and found out Hydra took you in to become the best assassin"Natasha says while giving Natalia a sad smile."Wow"Natalia says while looking up and standing up."They said I didn't have a family,they said they got killed in a accident and hydra saved me"Natalia said with a tear coming out and Natasha hugs her."Look I'm here and I this time I am not going to let you go ok"Natasha says while hugging her.Meanwhile the boys are looking at the scene that is happening in the surveillance camera."Is it bad that we are spying on them"Bruce says and Tony shakes hi head."Nope not really"Tony says with a shrug.

The quinjet lands on the compound.Once the quinjet door opens they rush Clint to the infirmary.Natalia was with Natasha by her side.Natalia felt weird but felt safe when she was with her sister.She still missed Pietro and Wanda."Talia follow me"Natasha says while walking in the corridor of the avengers tower."Talia?"Natalia asked with a confused faced."Uhmm yeah it's the nickname I have you when you were little"Natasha says with a smile."Oh then can I call you Tasha?"Natalia asked and Natasha nods with a warm smile."So I ordered for you to get a room here and some clothes and we want to see what you are capable of so maybe you could join us and become a Avenger and also Tony told Jarvis to make you a suit and it looks like your suit so nothing is going to change and also we need to practice and figure out what you can and what you can't do"Natasha says and stops in a room."Yeah and what about Wanda and Pietro"Natalia asks and Natasha looks at her confused."Who?"Natasha asks her sister with a confused face."Uhmm they're my family and I don't want to leave them behind"Natalia says and her sister nods."Yeah ok we will see what we can do,warm up and I will meet you in the training room"Natasha says and Natalia nods and enters the room.She scans it and sees a suit similar to her and sees regular clothes and a big bed.

Natalia leaves her room with black leggings and a black sports bra.She walks forward and realizes she doesn't know where the training room is.Natalia sees Steve and recognizes him."Hey"Natalia says gaining Steve's attention."Hey you must be Natalia Nat's sister"Steve says and she nods."Yeah and uhm..Im sorry back there it's just-"Natalia starts to say and Steve nods with a smile."It's ok and you got hard kid you remind me of your sister"Steve says and I smile."Yeah and I could tell we are going to be really good friends"Natalia says and Steve chuckles."Do you know where the training room is?"Natalia asks Steve and he nods."Yeah come with me"Steve says and walks Natalia towards the training room where she they see Natasha."Hey I see you got lost"Natasha said with a laugh."Yeah well she takes it from you"Steve says making all of them laugh and then he walks away.Natasha then turns to Natalia and smiles."So let's get started"Natasha says.They enter the mat and then she throws a punch which Natalia blocks.Natalia knocks Natasha down by kicking her.Then Natasha grabs her legs bringing Natalia down.They both get up and Natasha kicks Natalia in her stomach.Natalia grabs Natasha by the arm and twists it back and knees her in the stomach and then punches her in the face and flips her bringing her down.Natasha stands up and kicks her and twists Natalia's arm and kicks her in the back.Natalia stands up and does a high kick and then turning side ways and then wraps her legs around her neck and knocks Natasha off her feet.Natalia then grabs her arms but then Natasha kicks her."Wow your good Talia and I'm proud"Natasha tells Natalia while they both get up."Yeah well I take from the best"Natalia says and they both hug each other."I'm going to check on Clint do you want to come with me"Natasha asks Natalia and she nods.

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