Chapter One

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 There are many places where I could start my story. I could start with some things about myself, but I will get to that later on. For now, I want to start at the proper beginning of this tale, and that is how I was hired to investigate in the first place. 

 Marcel Gerard, who was an old friend, reached out to me that day, and asked if I could meet him at Rousseau's that evening. We hadn't been speaking much of late, but that was because he had a city to run and I had my own business to keep in check. I might never have become a vampire if it wasn't for Marcel, so I felt I ought to go meet with him and give him some of my time. Besides, I was curious to find out what he wanted from me. 

 Rousseau's was filled with people when I entered, probably plenty of tourists, but I also recognized a few locals. 

 "Finn. You here to study everyone's behavior like you were doing last time?" 

 Josh Rosza, a more recent friend of mine, had been running Rousseau's since the death of Camille O'Connell. He was also a part of Marcel's inner circle, which made me wonder if he knew why Marcel was summoning me. 

 "Josh." I reached over the counter and shook his hand. "Not this time, I'm afraid. As a matter of fact, Marcel asked me to meet him here. It sounded like it's rather important." 

 "That it is, my friends." 

 Marcel must have been there waiting for me. He leaned against the counter and gave me one of his charming smiles.

 "Finnamore Laverty. You and I do not get together as much as we should be," he said. 

 "Marcel. Good to see you." I held out my hand, but he said, "Oh, come on. You've known me for almost a century." He clasped my hand and pulled me into a hug that felt a bit awkward. I didn't object because I wanted to know where this was all going. 

 "So, I take it there's something or someone you need me to investigate?" I asked him. 

 He held up his hands. "All right, you caught me. I did have an ulterior motive for asking you to join me. Josh." He tapped the counter. "Two whiskeys, all right? Finn, I have a table over there for us." 

 I searched Josh's face as he poured two glasses. He didn't show any sign that he knew what Marcel was going to ask me to do. 

 I followed Marcel to a table towards a corner. Already on the table was a large binder that looked like it was stuffed with papers and folders. 

 "What's all this?" I asked. 

 "Information," Marcel answered. "Everything to know about the Mikaelsons. It's not their entire history, but I gathered whatever I could. I wrote out some of it myself." 

 "The Mikaelsons?" I asked. "Well, if they're all dead, why do I need to investigate them?" 

 "I'll tell you." Marcel sat down. "Come on, join me. I need somebody I trust for this." 

 I sat down across from Marcel and looked at the binder. "So, do you mind telling me why I need this?" 

 "To be honest, I don't know why you might need any of it," Marcel replied. "But if any of it can help you catch the person I want you to catch, I want you to have as much information about the family as possible." 

 My eyes darted back and forth to see if anyone was listening in. I whispered, "Did he escape?" 

 Marcel knew who I meant. "No," he whispered back. "Still locked up. There is one Mikaelson left, one I couldn't get my hands on. It's Mikael, their father." 

 I raised my eyebrow. "You, with all your power, against one old man? You need me to catch him for you?" 

 "Oh, he's not just an old man, Finn. He's the next strongest Original after Klaus, and that's only because Klaus turned himself into a hybrid." 

 Now Marcel looked around the room, as if worried someone might be watching or listening. 

 "I've got an idea," he said. "Why don't you take all this home and read up, and then I want you to come see me tomorrow morning. My apartment is the most private we can talk about this. I want you to know what you're up against." 

 I finished my drink and took the binder in my arms. "I should have known you would ask me to do something hard. Well, I'm going home to read all this. Tomorrow morning, then?" 

 Marcel nodded. "Sounds good." 

 I carried the heavy binder into my arms and began to walk home. I could hope Marcel would explain everything better in the morning. 

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