Chapter Sixteen

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 Instead of turning towards home, I made my way to the old abandoned house I'd been in with Mikael. I couldn't believe it had just been the night before; twenty-four hours had begun to feel like an eternity. 

 I didn't know if Mikael would be there or not. If he were, there would be no lights on inside the house, no telltale sign that he might be there. I looked up and down the street to see if there was anyone watching me, but there wasn't that I could see. Marcel was probably too busy dealing with his dead henchmen to have anyone tail me. 

 I opened the front door and slipped into the house. It was dark, and all was silent except the creaking noise the door had made. 

 "Mikael?" I called softly. "I'm here." 

 "So am I." I felt his strong arms around my shoulders. "It was me that killed those vampires, Finnamore. When I saw you with Marcel, I followed you to the compound. If he tried to hurt you in any way, at least I would have been there to defend you. But two of his lackeys were hanging around outside, and I had no choice when they found me." 

 "Why did you think Marcel was going to hurt me?" I asked. 

 "If he found out about this, he might. You don't know, Finnamore. You don't really know what my family has been through because of him." 

 "How could I not, Mikael? You told me everything." 

 He nodded. "Oh. I suppose you're right. Yes, I did tell you everything, didn't I? Well, I suppose I should have kept my distance." 

 "I glad you didn't," I said. "If you hadn't, I would have had to keep up a very awkward conversation with Marcel until he decided to release me." 

 "Oh." He began to smile. "So, in a way, I did save you." 

 "Yes, you did." 

 This time, I was the one who pulled him into a kiss. I couldn't explain it, but it felt so good, and somehow it even felt right. 

 "Looks I'm crashing the party, aren't I?" 

 I pulled away from Mikael and turned around. Marcel stood in the doorway, giving me a look that could only be described as disgust. 

 "I gave you one job to do, Finn." He stepped inside and closed the door. "As soon as I gave it to you, I knew you might not be able to handle it. That was because I knew the stuff you went through in the war. But you were the only P.I. around here I thought I could trust." 

 "Leave him alone." Mikael pulled me back and stood in front of me. "It's my fault, anyway. I thought if I distracted him, even seduced him, it would keep him from his loyalty to you. And look at how well it worked for me. Perhaps he just likes me more than you." 

 "Do you know what I asked him to do?" Marcel asked him. 

 "Yes, I'm aware. Clearly, he failed. I haven't minded getting to know him at all, Marcellus. You could have sent someone worse after me, but you sent a good soul like Finnamore Laverty. That was your mistake, you know." 

 "I know." Marcel took a step forward. "You know what I have to do with you." 

 There was a short pause, one where Marcel and Mikael stared each other in the eye, each one daring the other to make the first move. Then Marcel did make the first move, charging at Mikael. I jumped back and stood with my back pressed against the wall as they fought. I felt around in my jacket, but my pockets were empty. My gun with the wooden bullets wasn't there, the one I could have really used it. 

 As I was fumbling around in my jacket, desperately looking for my gun, I heard a sharp cry of pain. Mikael collapsed to the floor, a fresh set of bite marks in his neck. 

 "No!" I ran over to him and got down on my knees. "Mikael." 

 Marcel walked over and dropped something at my feet. It was my gun. 

 "I took it earlier, while you were sleeping," he explained. "I also looked through your notebook before I woke you up. I knew you were up to something, Finn. I was bringing you to the compound to see if I could get whatever it was out of you. I just didn't think it was this. 

 "I'm not going to kill you," he continued. "I'm sure you've been through enough because of him already. I'm letting you go. But I'm not gonna forget this. If you ever come around to me again, I will kill you." 

 Those were his last words to me before he left. 

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