Chapter Eleven

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 "I knew it!" Mikael cried. "He thinks I'm going to free Klaus and we're going to team up to kill him. Have you ever heard such ridiculous paranoia, Finnamore?"

 We were out in the woods, sitting under a tree. I had just finished telling him about my conversation with Marcel, which was what caused that remark. 

 "He believes it, though," I pointed out. "That's why he thinks he has to dispose of you. But...would you try to free Klaus? I know it's been a year since everything happened and that you probably would have done it by now if you were going to. I just thought I might ask." 

 "I might have," Mikael answered. "But I couldn't. I can't free him." 

 I raised my eyebrows. "Can't or won't?" 

 "Well, I certainly could, but for now, it's best for him to stay there. I know that if he were able to speak to me, he would tell me to leave him." 

 "Oh. Is there any particular reason why?" I asked. 

 "No, none at all. It's just not the right time to free him yet. It'll come someday." 

 "I see." I had no clue what he could be talking about, and it was obvious that he had no plans to tell me. "Well, do you want to go over more of your story? It's been a few days since I last saw you."

 "I know." He gave me an apologetic look, the most emotion I had seen on his face thus far. "I'm very sorry, Finnamore. You are clearly interested in hearing more. I stayed away for a few days because I thought it might be best. I wouldn't want to get you in trouble with your boss." 

 "Marcel isn't my boss." 

 "Oh, he isn't? It sounds as if he's acting as your boss." 

 "Never mind." I pulled out my notebook. "The last time we saw each other, you said that Klaus killed Esther and somehow framed you for it. Would you mind explaining that a little more?" 

 "There isn't much to explain. Niklaus murdered my wife, and all he had to do was tell his siblings that it was I who did it. They all believed him without giving me a second thought." 

 "And why do you think that is?" I asked. 

 "Because they loved him. He was their brother, and they cared more about him than me. After Esther was gone, they all left. I was alone. I vowed that I would destroy Niklaus at all costs. That's why I hunted him for so long." 

 "Because he murdered your wife and made you feel like your own children were betraying you." That sounded all cut-and-dry, but there was something about this that I still wasn't sure of. "Mikael, I am aware that you didn't treat Klaus well when he was growing up. Why is that?" 

 "Why is that," he muttered to himself. "It's a good question. If I had an answer, I would give it to you." 

 " have no idea?" 

 "No. That's just it. There was always something about him, something that wasn't right. I don't know what it was, but I hated him. I just despised him, and I couldn't help it. Believe me, Finnamore, I have no explanation. I wish I did, if only to make myself look better to you now." 

 I looked down at my notebook. He wanted me to like him? I hadn't thought he cared so much whether or not I like him. 

 "If relations between you and your wife weren't too good around the time of Klaus' conception and birth," I said, "Maybe you suspected he wasn't yours." 

 "But I never suspected that." 

 "Maybe not consciously," I offered. "It's possible that somewhere in your subconscious, you had this belief or fear that you weren't his father, that he was somehow different from all the others. Because you were so used to violence, you might have just naturally reacted with violence. I know it must be difficult to come to terms with, but that could be the truth." 

 He stared at me with a look that I think was awe. And then, to my surprise, he grabbed me by the front of my shirt and pulled me into a kiss. 

 "You're absolutely right," he said once he'd finished kissing me. "Thank you, Finnamore. You helped me solve one of my greatest problems." 

 "Y-you're welcome, I suppose," I stammered.

 "I haven't scared you, have I?" He released his grip on me. "I'm sorry." 

 "No, it's, um, it's all right. You're very overwhelmed right now. I understand." 

 "Right. Well, you must want to go home. We shouldn't be seen together. Can you get home on your own?" 

 "'Course I can," I answered. 

 He nodded. "Of course you can. Perhaps next time, we can talk about you. You know so much about me already, and it seems I hardly know anything about you. I'll see you soon, Finnamore."

 He began to walk away into the woods, and then used his vampire speed to disappear, leaving me alone. 

 As I walked home, I wondered why he had kissed me. Was it just overexcitement or some other crazy feeling? Or did he actually like me? 

 It was hard to believe I had only known him for about a week. It seemed to short a time to already have so many conflicting feelings towards him. 

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