Chapter Ten

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 It was a few more days before I would see Mikael again, and that was because I couldn't find him and he didn't come to visit me. Marcel had said he be having people watch the compound, so I knew Mikael wouldn't be there. But he could be anywhere else in the city, or even down in the bayou somewhere. I spent a few restless nights venturing through the French Quarter and some of the woods near the bayou, but I couldn't find him. 

 I could only guess that he was hiding out somewhere, maybe in fear that Marcel was onto him. I couldn't blame him; I was afraid to talk to Marcel myself, but when he asked me to meet him, I couldn't say no. I had no other cases and I had no idea where Mikael had gotten himself to, so I had nothing but time on my hands. 

 Marcel wanted me to meet him at the Mikaelson Compound, a place I didn't really want to go. The two times I had been there with Mikael was enough for me. There was something eerie and a bit disturbing about the place that made me want to avoid it at all costs. Perhaps it was what had gone down there a year ago, when Marcel locked Klaus away and got rid of the rest of them. 

 Marcel was waiting patiently for me when I arrived. "Finn. How you been?" 

 "Not bad," I answered as I shook his hand. "Mostly been out during the night." 

 "Yeah, a couple of my guys have seen you walking around with a flashlight and a gun," he replied. "Those won't do much for you against Mikael. What kind of bullets have you got?" 

 "Wooden bullets. It'll at least slow him down if he tries to kill me." 

 Marcel smiled. "That's my man. Come on. There's someplace I want to take you." 

 As I feared, he led me to the wall I suspected Klaus himself was sealed behind. We stopped in front of it, and I turned my eyes away. 

 "That's where he is." Unlike me, Marcel was staring straight at it. "I sealed him in a year ago. He'll be in there for a long time." 

 I dragged my gaze away from the floor to look at him. "Why did you do it this way? Why not kill him, too?"

 "Well, for one thing, a quick death was too good for him," Marcel began. "Matter of fact, any death is too good for him. Eternal pain and suffering is a much better option for somebody like him, given everything he's done over the years. His siblings are dead, he's separated from his daughter, and he basically doesn't have anything left." 

 I was surprised at this. I didn't know Marcel could be so vicious, especially since Klaus was once a father figure to him. 

 "Rebekah's dead too, isn't she?" I asked. "That hex on her would have her a mindless ripper. We would have heard something about her destruction and we've heard nothing." 

 Marcel seemed to falter a little at that one, but he quickly recovered and said, "I didn't kill Rebekah, and I didn't even put that hex on her. If something happened to her, that's not on me." 

 I nodded. "Okay. So, what about Mikael? If he's the only Original still out there and you're unbeatable, why bother? Why not leave him be?"

 "Because I can't allow him to keep killing my people. Every time I've tried catching him, he gets away, no matter what I do. Any of them being left alive is dangerous." 

 "Because you're worried he'll come for Klaus," I finished. "Just imagine if the two most powerful Originals, the Destroyer and the first hybrid, teamed against you. If they put their heads together, they could find a way to get rid of you." 

 Marcel sighed. "You caught onto me pretty fast. Yeah, it would be bad for me if they somehow teamed up. It's very unlikely since they hate each other, but if they both hate me more than they hate each other...well, you get where I'm going with this."

 "I know. That's why I'm staying on this case for you." 

 "Are you sure you can handle something this intense, though?" he asked. "I haven't forgotten what you were like when I first found you, Finn. If you couldn't handle the military, you won't be able to handle Mikael if he tries to kill you." 

 "I know. I've changed since then, Marcel. I can find him for you. Just give me a chance." 

 "All right, that's what I'm doing. Now, why don't you go home? You must need some rest." 

 I nodded. "Yeah. See you later." 

 I couldn't have been more relieved to get out of that place. But that happiness was short-lived. As I was walking away down the street, someone grabbed me and pulled me into a dark alleyway.

 "Do not scream," I heard someone say into my ear. 

 "Mikael," I breathed. "Is this where you've been hiding?" 

 "Only for a short time," he answered. "I was waiting for you to come out of there. Follow me. I want to hear everything Marcel had to say to you."

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