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 Mikael only got worse after that. While he was still conscious of everything around him, he asked me to tell him more about myself, so I did. I told him about my parents, my sister, the rest of my family, my old life as a policeman. I surprised myself with how many details I still remembered. 

 He died just as the sun began to rise. I stayed by his side the entire time. 

 After he was gone, I went back home for the last time, and packed a small bag. When I opened the closet, I bent down and opened the box that contained my old uniform. I looked at it for a long moment, and then I closed it again. There would be no point in bringing that with me. I then left New Orleans, uncertain whether or not I would ever return, whether or not I would see Marcel or Josh or Vincent ever again, the people who had been my friends. 

 I got on a plane to Oslo and then made my way into the countryside. I left Mikael's ashes there the way he asked me to. It didn't make me feel any better doing so, but at least I had followed through with his wish for his remains. 

 There was still one other wish I had to follow through with. It took me months to track down Hayley Marshall; the woman was good at hiding. However, I eventually found her safehouse, located in a rural area where one may not think to look. 

 Hayley was home the day I walked up the path to the house. As I approached, she opened the door and asked me, "Who are you?" 

 "You don't know me," I said, "But I'm from New Orleans. My name is Finnamore Laverty. I knew Mikael, and he asked me to find you for him." 

 "'Knew' him?" she repeated. 

 I nodded. "Yes. He's dead. Marcel...killed him months ago."

 Hayley stepped further out, and looked around. Then she said, "Come on. We should talk about this inside." 

 I nodded again, and followed her into the house. 

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