1. Suzie Do You, Copy?

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"You're late." I complained as Mike dropped his bike in the bike rack.

"Sorry!" He panted, locking his bike.

"Again." Lucas added.

"We're gonna miss the opening." Will chimed in.

"Yeah, if you keeping whining about it. Let's go!" He rushed as.

"If you guys keep whining about it. Nyeh-nyeh-nyeh." Lucas whined as we turned to the mall.

"Just please stop talking, dude." Mike stated as we entered the mall.

"Let me guess. You were busy." Lucas then continued to make kissing noises.

"Oh, yeah, real mature, Lucas." Mike rolled his eyes.

"Oh, El, I wish we could make out forever, and never hang out with any of our friends." Lucas imitated Mike.

"Lucas, stop." Max scolded Lucas.

"Will thinks it's funny." Lucas said as Will snickered.

"Because it is." Will argued.

"Yeah, it's so funny that I want to spend romantic time with my girlfriend." Mike stated sarcastically as we headed to the Scoops.

"I'm spending romantic time with my girlfriend." I argued wrapping my arm around Max.

"Excuse us! Sorry! Sorry!" We yelled as we weaved our way down the busy escalator.

"Watch it!" A girl yelled after Mike bumped into her.

"Yeah! Watch it, nerd!" Erica shouted at Lucas.

"Isn't it past your bedtime?" Lucas shouted back at Erica.

"Isn't it time you died?" Erica argued, with her friends laughing along.



"Mall rat!"

"Fart face!"

"Oh, now that was mature." Max rolled her eyes at Lucas after he blew a raspberry at Erica. We entered Scoops and rushed to the register. Mike started to repeatedly ring the bell

"Hey, dingus, your children are here." Robin remarked, cutting off Mike.

"Again? Seriously?" Steve asked as he opened the door.

We nodded as Mike ringed the bell again. Steve rushed us to the back and into a secret hallway

"Come on, come on." Steve rushed us.

"I swear, if anybody hears about this" Steve called out at us.

"We're dead!" We responded rushing down the hallway. We stopped at the write door and Mike checked for anyone.

"All clear." He motioned for us to go. He opened to door wider and we headed to 'Day of the Dead' preview.

"See, Lucas? We made it." Mike whispered to Lucas as we all sat down.

"We missed the previews." Lucas complained.

"Still made it." I whispered

"Fart face." Max grinned as the movie started. Mike started to pull out snacks and pass them around,

"Skittles?" Someone offered

"Thanks." Someone grabbed them. We watched the beginning before the audio slowed to a stop and the screen went black. People yelled and shouted.

"Come on!" I moaned, while I threw my head back.

After a few minutes in the dark, the film sputtered back to a start. We all cheered and clapped as the movie started again. I turned and noticed Will touching his neck.

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