Bug pokemon and- EGG!!

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3rd person.

"All the pokemon got here safely." Nurse Joy from Pewter City says.

"I'm glad. Keep an eye out for them four they are headed your way now." Nurse Joy from Veridian city say and cut the feed off after saying their good byes. "I hope they make it to Pewter city alright."

"They will be fine! They helped stop Team Rocket and they have a friend/ family member that is known for doing a lot of things and placing top in it all. Willow will keep them safe. She is more than capable enough to handle anything that gets in there way." Officer Jenny consoled, knowing Willows reputation and being fully certified for any outcome, with or without her pokemon.

"I know that and about Willow. I still worry. They are going into Veridian Forest after all." Notes Joy replied, also knowing that Willow can look after them all and can be certified enough to take care of most injuries, which is why she gave her that pokemon after all.

Willow's pov

We are walking through Veridian Forest with Storm once again carrying the eggs for me. I also wonder what type of pokemon Nurse Joy gave me. I keep pondering that until a shrill scream pulls me out of my thoughts.

Misty seemed to be afraid of bugs and so was afraid of a poor little shiny Weedle and a Caterpie. She was so scared she sprayed some bug spray which, thankfully, both pokemon avoided. I caught Weedle (to protect it) whilst Ash caught Caterpie as his first pokemon. I'm proud of him.

He began to dance around getting both Pikachu and Misty dizzy whilst Storm and I continued forward and caught a Rattata, Caterpie and a Tangela. I caught Tangela (Vince) and Caterpie (Roman) with my Pichu (Thunder) who is slowly gaining experience and no longer passes out when she uses she electric attacks and  caught Rattata (Paws) with Spearow (Glade).

As it gets dark I unpack the sleeping bag, take off Storm's pac and bring out Ruth to watch over us at night. Before returning Storm she lights a fire for me and we rest.

When I wake up at 3am I look around and see a Spinarak and it seems to be a male. I quietly tell Ruth to use psyshock and it is super effective knocking the pokemon out so can catch it. I decided to call it Venom.

I call out Inferno so he can carry the eggs today. I am about to strap the last egg in (at the top) when it begins to glow. I quickly pull it out and take it out of it's incubator as it hatches. It is not a normal pokemon.

"It's called Poipolo. It is an Ultra Beast and is very well liked by everyone. They have a calm temperament but once they are angry it is hard to calm them down. Thankfully I know how to do that." Ruth explains as I look at it confused. "They are gender less like me and evolve into Naganadel."

"Hello mama." The baby said to me.

"Hello little one. Your name is Pepper and you need to be in a poke-ball so you don't get lost or hurt. I promise to all of you that when we get to Pewter city we will go by the lake and have some time to relax there whilst we wait for Ash, my brother and Misty, the forth gym leader of Cerulian city and our new travel companion to catch up with us." I explain for those that don't know. As I take out a poke-ball and use it on Pepper who gladly goes in and I strap it to my belt before getting one of the eggs from the opposite side and placing it in my bag, which makes enough room for me to climb on and ride Inferno so I do and return Ruth to my belt.

As we get to Pewter city we come across a man who is selling rocks as souvenirs. I recognise him as the old gym leader but I don't call him out on it. Yet.

"Hello little lady. My name is Flint. Pewter city has always been famous for its rocks. Do you want any?" He says.

"No thank you. I am just here too see a friend from a few years back that is stuck here because his good for nothing father left to be a pokemon trainer and was never heard from again but I bet that he would still forgive you. It's  just who Brock is." I say before Inferno runs down the path again and we enter Pewter city so I stop riding him, but instead guide him to the gym where I know Brock would be.

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